City’s largest sports precinct project moves to next phase
Planning for the largest sport and recreation precinct on Redlands Coast has progressed to the next phase with Council referring the project under the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
As of 31 January 2023, community members can make informed comments on the proposal to the Australian Government through its EPBC Act Public Portal for 10 business days until 14 February 2023.
The Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct at Mount Cotton will deliver intergenerational facilities to help meet the sport and recreation needs of our growing community while also protecting a significant area of natural habitat.
The project is expected to bring a range of health and well-being and economic benefits for Redlands Coast locals and the wider south-east Queensland region.
Referring the project helps ensure Council balances the protection of the site’s environmental and cultural values with the city’s social and economic needs.
The sports precinct will provide sporting facilities for more than 4000 sporting club members with room for the clubs to grow and a regional-level inclusive and accessible recreation space for the whole community, while protecting 112 hectares of conservation land and rehabilitating the central natural watercourse area. It will also have the capability to host large sporting events.
Council purchased the property in 2017, saving it from potential housing or other extensive development in future, and ensuring 70 per cent is protected as conservation land to further strengthen the city’s bushland corridors.