Council to consider revised Master Plan for Mount Cotton sporting precinct

Redland City Council will consider a revised Master Plan for the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct, proposed for 277-293 Heinemann Road at Mount Cotton, at its General Meeting on 15 November 2023.
The Revised Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan 2023 (Revised Master Plan) was developed in response to the Australian Government’s determination in February 2023 that the project was a ‘Controlled Action’ under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
Since the adoption of the original Master Plan endorsed by Council at its General Meeting on 13 May 2020, expert advice has indicated that the delivery of the project was likely to require significant land offsets – a lengthy and costly process – therefore Council commenced the Master Plan review process.
The Revised Master Plan talks to the detailed investigations behind a number of tough decisions that are expected to give the community timelier access to much-needed sporting facilities, while balancing Council’s financial and environmental responsibilities.
With a project footprint of approximately 26 hectares – at least 10 hectares smaller than the original Master Plan endorsed by Council in 2020 – the Revised Master Plan sees approximately 130 hectares of land protected as natural area. This is approximately 80 percent of the entire site, which is 10 percent more nature area to be conserved than the original Master Plan.
In keeping with the intent of the original Master Plan, the Revised Master Plan features 13 touch football fields, three rugby league fields, two clubhouses, approximately 800 car parks, a trailhead, and two generous spaces for future delivery of regional level recreation elements such as pump tracks, play, and picnicking.
Prioritising the sports of touch football and rugby league will see approximately 4000 regular participants using the new facilities at the precinct, and when they relocate, master planning for the vacated sites at Pinklands Sporting Complex and Redland Showgrounds can commence.
The Revised Master Plan also includes a commitment from Council to investigate alternate facilities and solutions for BMX and cycling.
Should it be endorsed by Council on 15 November 2023, the Revised Master Plan will be submitted to the Australian Government as part of seeking final approvals under the EPBC Act. Once approval has been received, construction of Stage 1 works will commence subject to budget. Council and Alder Constructions continue to have a contract for the construction of Stage 1 of the precinct.
Alternatively, Council may decide to revert to the original Master Plan or reconsider the Revised Master Plan.