December 2024 update: endorsement of Significant Contracting Plan
Redland City Council has today endorsed a Significant Contracting Plan that will support a staged delivery of the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct proposed for 277-293 Heinemann Road in Mount Cotton.
With 13 touch football fields, three rugby league fields, two clubhouses, about 800 car parks and two generous spaces for future recreation facilities such as play spaces, pump tracks, and picnicking, the Precinct will support the new and growing communities in the south of the city while also helping to address the city’s longstanding shortfall in sporting land.
The first body of works to be delivered under the contracting plan are road upgrades along Heinemann Road, for which funding was allocated in Council’s 2024-25 Capital Works budget.
In light of the project’s ongoing assessment under the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and associated project delivery delays – including the need to develop the Revised Master Plan endorsed by Council in November 2023 – Council and Alder Constructions have agreed to dissolve their 2023 construction contract.
Council continues to progress the project’s referral through the EPBC Act assessment process and remains hopeful of a positive outcome in the new year. The road upgrades planned for Heinemann Road are located outside of the area subject to EPBC Act referral.