Get involved and attend our transport forums
Redland City Council, The Redland City Bulletin and the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads have partnered to lead a community conversation on what the key transport issues are now and into the future.
Redland City Council is hosting three public forums where expert speakers will lead community conversations about the transport needs of the Redlands and how they should be addressed.The forums (listed below) will be held at:
- Redland Performing Arts Centre - November 1, 2016
Connecting Cities: How well do we connect with our neighbours and who is responsible for providing transport infrastructure? Speakers include Dr Stefan Hajkowicz, CSIRO; Dr Matthew Burke, Griffith University; and Darren Crombie, Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning.
- Victoria Point Library - November 7, 2016
- Capalaba Sports Club - November 14, 2016
The forums will feature experts such as:
- CSIRO Principal Scientist Dr Stefan Hajkowicz;
- Program Head of Planning at the University of Queensland
- Dr Neil Sipe; Senior Research Fellow and Australian Research Council-Discovery Future Fellow Dr Matthew Burke of the Urban Research Program at Griffith University
- Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Executive Director Darren Crombie
Free go cards for early bird
The first 33 attendees at each transport forum will receive a go card with three days' free travel!
Articles for further reading:
· Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull encourages Redlanders to attend transport forums
· Time to act on our transport needs
· Getting to the core of the issue
· Water travel - an essential service
· Pie in the sky... or your prescription?
You can also be a part of the conversation using Twitter #redlandsonthemove or through the forums (below) on this website where you can ask questions, comment on ideas, vote for your favourite comments or take part in surveys as trends emerge.
Consultation has concluded