Amendment not proceeding at this time
In accordance with the process for making Major amendments outlined by the State Government Council undertook community consultation on the Environmental significance overlay and Planning scheme policy amendments for eleven weeks or 82 days between 11 May 2023 and 31 July 2023.
The council General Meeting on 11 October 2023 considered the proposed amendment and the report on consultation submissions before deciding not to proceed with the major amendment to the Redland City Plan.
That Council resolves as follows:
1. To endorse the consultation report (Attachment 1) and make the consultation report publicly available in accordance with section 18.4 of Chapter 2, Part 4 of the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules.
2. To not proceed with 01/21 – Major Amendment – Environmental Significance Overlay at this time.
3. To give a notice to the Minister under section 21.1 of Chapter 2, Part 4 of the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules, indicating that Council is not proceeding with the 01/21 – Major Amendment – Environmental Significance Overlay.
4. To publish a public notice outlining the reasons for not proceeding with the 01/21 – Major Amendment – Environmental Significance Overlay as follows:
a. Improved statutory and non-statutory planning measures and initiatives are available to support private landowners to manage environmental values on their properties.
b. Further detailed investigation and analysis is required to ensure the proposed amendment would achieve its intended outcomes.
5. To advise all submitters of this resolution not to proceed with the amendment.
6. To note that the proposed amendment may, subject to Council approval, be further investigated as part of a future review of City Plan.

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