Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a Local Government Infrastructure Plan?

    A Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) is that part of a planning scheme that identifies the local government's plans for trunk infrastructure that is needed to service urban development at the desired standard of service at an appropriate level and in a coordinated, efficient and financially sustainable manner. An LGIP is similar to a Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP), however, contains additional levels of transparency and accountability. The proposed LGIP will replace the current Priority Infrastructure Plan. 

    What is a Netserv Plan for water supply and sewerage networks?

    Redland Water undertakes trunk planning for the water supply and sewerage networks under a Netserv Plan in consultation with Council. This document is prepared utilising the planning assumptions that form part of the LGIP and is the key strategic document guiding the delivery and operation of water and sewer infrastructure and services. The Netserv Plan forms part of the LGIP and is administered by Council and Redland Water.

    Redland Water is a commercial business unit of Redland City Council which recommenced operations on the 1 July 2012. 

    What is in the proposed Local Government Infrastructure Plan?

    The proposed Local Government Infrastructure Plan can be separated into the following parts:

    ·  The planning assumptions for population growth, employment growth and the type, scale, location and timing of development;

    ·  The priority infrastructure area (known as the PIA) to service assumed urban development until 2027;

    ·  The desired standard of performance for each of the trunk infrastructure networks (known as the Desired Standard of Service or DSS); and

    ·  The anticipated future schedule of works for each of the trunk infrastructure networks and infrastructure maps.

    The proposed LGIP also contains a list of supporting documents or extrinsic material that assist in interpreting each of these parts. This information is available on the consultation webpage. 

    Will the Local Government Infrastructure Plan result in a change to infrastructure charges?

    No. Maximum charges for development are set by the State government in accordance with the State Planning Regulatory Provision (adopted charges) July 2012 and each Council sets its trunk infrastructure charge rates in its adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution. This proposed LGIP has no effect on, and is not affected by, the current adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution which can be found on Council's website..

    What is trunk infrastructure?

    Trunk infrastructure is infrastructure that is typically shared between different developments and provides a distribution function, collection function or service to a wider catchment. In contrast, non-trunk infrastructure is usually internal to a development or connects a development to external infrastructure networks. For the proposed LGIP, the extent of trunk infrastructure for each of the networks under Council’s control is shown on the infrastructure maps.

    Council and Redland Water have direct responsibility for the five trunk infrastructure networks:

    ·  Stormwater (quality and quantity);

    ·  Transport (roads, cycleways and public transport (bus stops));

    ·  Public parks and land for community facilities;

    ·  Water supply; and


    Why are no road upgrades shown for major roads such as Finucane Road and Redland Bay Road?

    Not all roads within the region are in the control of Council. As examples, major roads such as Finucane Road, Redland Bay Road, Bloomfield Street and Birkdale Road are state controlled roads. Planning for state controlled roads is undertaken collaboratively within the State by departments such as the Department of Transport and Main Roads. State controlled roads do not form part of the Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP). Information on the location of state controlled roads can be found on the TMR website: (External Link)

    Where can I find out more information about Local Government Infrastructure Plans?

    The Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning has developed an online training tool that provides an overview of the infrastructure planning and charging framework. Access the online training tool.  

    The Minister’s Statutory guideline 03/14 Local government infrastructure plans and Statutory guideline 01/16 Making and amending local planning instruments outline the process that local governments must follow when making or amending a local planning instrument to include an LGIP. View a copy of the statutory guidelines.

    What happens to my submission?

    Upon completion of the consultation period Council will consider every properly made submission to the proposed amendments. Council may make changes in response to properly made submissions. After Council has considered all the submissions it must advise all submitters how the Council has dealt with their submission.

    Where to next?

    In accordance with the Minister’s Statutory guideline 01/16 Making and amending local planning instruments, Council will consider all properly made submissions and decide how to proceed with the proposed LGIP. If Council decides to proceed the proposed LGIP will be provided to the appointed reviewer for a second compliance check. The proposed LGIP and the reviewer’s report will then be submitted to the Minister for final review. If the Minister advises that the proposed LGIP can proceed it will be submitted to Council for adoption. 

    When will the Local Government Infrastructure Plan come into effect?

    The Local Government Infrastructure Plan is anticipated to be adopted by Council and come into effect alongside the draft Redland City Council Planning Scheme.