General Exemption Certificate – Local Heritage Places
Notice is given that on Wednesday 7 June 2023, under the provisions contained in section 75 of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992, the Chief Executive Officer of Redland City Council approved General Exemption Certificate – Local Heritage Places (the GEC).
The GEC is granted without application under the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 and applies to all local heritage places entered into Council’s local heritage register (Schedule 7 – Heritage Schedule of the Redland City Plan 2018 (the City Plan)). You can access the City Plan and its local heritage register online via Council’s website.
The purpose of the GEC is to allow for maintenance and minor work, to be undertaken without requiring assessment against the heritage provisions contained in the City Plan. This will allow local heritage places to be maintained in safe operation and good repair.
All work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in the GEC. If you are unsure, you should consider seeking advice from a qualified heritage professional who holds experience working on local heritage places.
Where works do not comply with the provisions of the GEC, they will require an application to Council as assessable development.
Viewing the GEC
The GEC can be viewed on Council’s website and is also available for inspection or purchase at Council’s Customer Service Centres at Cleveland, Capalaba, and Victoria Point.
Further information
For further information on the GEC, please contact Redland City Council’s City Planning and Assessment Group at (07) 3829 8999.
Andrew Chesterman, Chief Executive Officer, Redland City Council
Consultation has concluded