What does Council want to see developed on the land?

    Apart from being for industrial purposes consistent with the Low Impact Industry Zone, Council has no preference on how the site is developed. It could range from industrial units to outdoor storage yards.

    Will Council consider uses other than light industrial?

    No. The intention is to make land available for industrial uses to assist in meeting any shortfall.

    Who will be responsible for removing the existing stockpile?

    This will be negotiated with the preferred developer. The EOI should outline the preferred approach to site establishment works. 

    Will the land be sold or leased?

    This will be negotiated with the preferred developer. The EOI should outline the preferred ownership / tenure arrangements.

    If the land is sold, does it need to be developed straight away?

    To ensure activation of industrial uses on the land occurs as soon as possible, Council is not supportive of any disposal of land until the development is completed and delivered.

    What is happening with the rest of the land?

    Council will retain for ongoing operational requirements associated with its maintenance activities.

    Can I access the site or carry out investigations to assist with my proposal?

    Yes.  This can be arranged by contacting the agent managing the EOI process:  Ray White Commercial Bayside, Ph – 3245 7199, E – baysidecommercial.qld@raywhite.com

    How will submissions be evaluated?

    A panel comprising council officers and potentially external consultants will review the submissions and make recommendations to Council. Evaluation criteria is contained within the EOI documentation, and is generally framed around how the proposal meets the project objectives and the capability of the developer to deliver.