TLPI update - September 2023
New and amended TLPI
A new Temporary Local Planning Instrument for the Quandamooka Land Aspirations Area (TLPI 01/2023) was gazetted and took effect on 13 September 2023. The Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) is valid for 2-years, replacing the now-expired TLPI 01/2022 and TLPI 02/2020.
The new TLPI makes provisions for residential, economic, social and cultural land uses for 25 land parcels in the Quandamooka Land Aspirations Area on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island).
With important exceptions of new bushfire buffer zones and changes to some asset protection buffers, the new TLPI replicates the provisions in the previous TLPIs'.
Planning applications can be made to Redland City Council under the TLPI until it expires. Where a planning scheme is inconsistent with a TLPI, the provisions of the TLPI apply.
The purpose of a TLPI is to introduce urgent changes to local planning instruments and allow a 2-year timeframe to consider what permanent changes should be made to the planning scheme.
On 27 July 2021, the Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning issued a Ministerial Direction to Redland City Council to amend its City Plan to reflect TLPI 02/2020. An amendment to the City Plan commenced and progressed to public consultation (03/21 Major Amendment – Minjerribah (Site-specific land uses)).
Redland City Council worked with the State to undertake a six-week public consultation period on the amendment between 31 May – 11 July 2022, receiving 528 submissions.
Concerns raised by Council and the Community, led Council to issue a pause notice to the Queensland Government on 29 September 2022, requesting background studies that support the TLPI and amendment.
The City Plan amendment process is currently on hold and cannot be progressed until the State Government responds to the pause notice.
The making of TLPI 01/2022 and the new TLPI 01/2023 have been necessary as the amendment has not been finalised within the initial 2-year effective period of TLPI 02/2020. The new TLPI (01/2023) does not address the matters raised in the pause notice.
Redland City Council maintains the view that many of the sites provided for in the TLPI are constrained and not suitable for the development type proposed within the TLPI zone categories.
Council will continue its efforts to work with the State Government to ensure appropriate planning outcomes under the TLPI and Redland City Plan for the Quandamooka people, the North Stradbroke Island community and the island's unique environments.

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