Why is Council building a community and youth centre for the Southern Moreton Bay Islands community?

    The Southern Moreton Bay Islands (SMBI) are in a beautiful location and have a wonderful community spirit, there are some challenges that islanders are facing that the new centre will assist in addressing. 

    The SMBIs have a high proportion (24.4%) compared to the Redlands overall (8.6%) of young people aged 15 to 24 years who are not attending school, training or in the workforce. The youth centre will provide a permanent building to deliver regular activities and support to engage young people in recreation and training activities.

    There is also a need for a counselling and consultation space on the SMBIs. For example, the SMBIs have a high proportion of residents (16.9%) with a mental health condition compared to the Redlands overall (10.3%). The proposed building will have small rooms suitable for counselling and health consultations. The existing Council hall is not suitable to be used as a counselling space as the service requires a private, more intimate setting. 

    A meeting space with access to a kitchen will assist islanders to host meetings and events such as community dinners.

    What is a 'community centre'?

    A community centre is a public location that acts as a focal point for community interaction and relationship building. It's a place that can help strengthen communities and where people can engage in group activities and access community services.

    Where will the proposed building be located?

    The proposed building is planned to be built where the existing informal BMX track is located at 32-40 High Central Road, on the corner of High Central Road and Scarborough Terrace, Macleay Island.  

    Why was this site chosen?

    The site is only a short walk from the Macleay Island ferry terminal and is in a community facility zone. The site forms part of the existing community precinct next to the Council hall and Blue Care respite building. The site is also across the road from the BMX and skate park, which is a natural congregation point for young people. 

    Why is the community and youth centre being built on Macleay Island?

    The community and youth centre is proposed to be built on Macleay Island to ensure a distribution of community buildings between the two most populous SMBIs, Russell and Macleay islands.

    The Bay Islands Sport and Resilience Hub, a multi-purpose facility for community activities, sporting activities and disaster training/response, was built in the Sport and Recreation Park at 2 Union Street on Russell Island.

    Has Council built a replacement BMX track?

    Yes. In early 2024, Council built a new $500,000 skate and BMX track in the community park on High Central Road. 

    The skate park was designed following community consultation with beginner, intermediate and advanced users, and features ramps, steps and grind walls for skaters, scooter and BMX riders. In addition, there is a performance stage, shelter, seating, drinking fountain and toilets.

    How will the community and youth centre be managed?

    At this stage, it is envisaged that an Expression of Interest process will be undertaken for a provider of youth services to manage the youth component of the building. 

    Council intends for the meeting space to be bookable via Council’s webpage, similar to Council halls and other venues.

    What design principles and standards apply to this project?

    The community and youth centre will be designed and constructed in accordance with the relevant building codes and regulations such as Australian Standard AS1428.1 Design for access and mobility, Part 1: General requirements for access – New building work. 

    The building will be prefabricated on the mainland and brought via a barge to Macleay Island and installed. 

    The building will have a flexible design to provide for community uses into the future. 

    Will car parking be provided?

    Yes. Car parking will be provided as part of the project.

    Will the trees on the edge of the building site require trimming or removal?

    Yes. It is likely that some trees near Scarborough Terrace (pine trees and a gum tree) will require trimming or removal. Council will deliver offset planting works nearby.

    Will the building be able to display art and memorabilia?

    Yes. Council plans to provide a display and hanging space for memorabilia and art works.

    What are the expected timeframes?

    Consultation, design and the approvals process will be undertaken in the 2024/2025 financial year.

    This work is subject to Council’s budget prioritisation process, funding opportunities and other project constraints such as material and contractor availability.