Works Update February 2021
The exciting new play and visitor spaces created over the last few years at Raby Esplanade Park will be finalised with remaining works expected to be completed early-mid March 2021, weather and site conditions permitting.
These final works included the installation of a wheeled learn to ride path with educational play styled road safety rules, traffic signals, roundabout, speed humps and a pedestrian crossing incorporated. A new bike and scooter rack, water bubbler and seating wall will also be installed. Turf and tree planting will complement the area adding valuable shade in the future within this area.
Council will rectify drainage issues that were identified from works undertaken in water play area of Stage 1 of Raby Esplanade Park, the works will also include additional softfall.
During this time Council will also take the opportunity to relocate the platform seat adjacent to the fitness equipment, which during rain events holds water within this space, to opposite the ping pong table.
Thank you for your patience during construction. Our delivery team will continue to work to minimise disruption to the public where possible.
Consultation has concluded
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