Council would like to provide you with the opportunity to sign up for a FREE Redlands Coast Tourism and Events online six-part interactive customer recovery training program presented by customer strategy experts Customer Frame.
This program is designed for management/senior positions within local tourism and event businesses and will assist you to build a structured customer service plan, so you’ll know exactly what you should be focusing on over the next 6-12 months to aid your recovery.
The six-part program will equip you with:
- New skills and techniques to rebuild your business on the foundation of the customer
- Engaging & thought-provoking practical exercises with live support as you need it
- Actions that you and your team can take now to help you get back on your feet
- A prioritised plan of action that will set you up for a strong recovery
As part of Council's tourism recovery initiatives, the cost of this training program will be fully subsidised - saving you up to $220!
Limited places are available, so be quick and register your interest now!
Registrations have been extended and close on Friday 13 November 2020, or earlier if all places are filled.
For more detailed information about the training program, please visit the Customer Frame website and watch the short informative videos or contact