June project update
Russell Island ferry terminal construction
Practical completion of the new Russell Island ferry terminal and recreational boating facility occurred on 28 April 2023. The official commissioning of the Russell Island terminal took place on 1 June 2023.
There are still some minor repair and rectification works on the terminal to be completed in the near future.
Redland City Council now owns and manages the facility.

Macleay Island ferry terminal construction
As the works near completion, a staged operational phase will continue:
- Stage 1: New ferry terminal - progressive switchover to use the new facility occurred on Wednesday 31 May 2023. The outer berth is in use, inner berth to remain closed until stage 2 works are completed.
- Stage 2: Recreational boating facilities - existing ferry terminal to remain and be repurposed for recreational boating. New floating walkway to be installed at the public boat ramp by late June 2023.
- Stage 3: Landside works - includes completion of the new amenities block.
Overall completion is currently planned for August 2023. The site will remain an active construction zone until this time. Please observe all wayfinding signage and use caution around the worksite.
Lamb Island ferry terminal construction
Construction continues including works on the jetty, jetty roof, gangway and landside facilities.
The pontoon fit-out is now complete with the float-out to Lamb Island planned for the week of 3 July 2023.
As the works near completion on site, a staged operational phase will occur:
- Stage 1: New ferry terminal - progressive switchover to the new facility currently planned as overnight works from Friday 7 July to Saturday 8 July 2023 (more details provided below).
- Stage 2: Recreational boating facilities - existing ferry terminal to remain and be repurposed for recreational boating.
- Stage 3: Landside works – completion of landside works including new sheltered area.
Due to the footprint of the new Lamb Island terminal, it is necessary to undertake night works to install the gangway and switchover to use the new pontoon. These works have been timed around suitable conditions with minimum disruptions to ferry customers and Lamb Island residents.
As part of the switchover to use the new ferry terminal, there will be a minor ferry service disruption.
The following two passenger ferry services will not stop at Lamb Island on Saturday 8 July 2023:
- departing Lamb Island at 12:30am
- departing Lamb Island at 4:23am.
Passengers travelling to or from Lamb Island on this date, please travel before or after these times.
For further information please refer to Translink's service update page: Lamb Island ferry terminal - night closure | Translink
Demobilising traffic control at the site will coincide with the switchover to the new ferry terminal. Please note, beyond 7 July 2023 several car parking spaces directly in front of the site will remain closed off to enable works on the recreational facility.
Overall completion is currently planned for late-July 2023.
Karragarra Island ferry terminal construction
The pontoon fit-out continues at Thornlands prior to its scheduled float-out in late-June 2023.
Onsite works continue with the gangway roof installation progressing well. Landscaping to be completed as part of the landside works.
Traffic control to remain until the completion of works, currently planned for late-July 2023.
What to expect during construction
- Presence of construction personnel including traffic controllers, surveyors and trades people
- Onsite works – noise and vibration; bus zone temporary relocation; earthworks and conduit installation
- Changed traffic conditions and pedestrian detours
The project team would like to remind customers to please use caution at the construction sites. We appreciate your patience and continued support during the delivery of this project.
The project team has taken pride in delivering the new ferry terminals project. We would like to encourage and remind the community to help protect and respect these vital community assets, in addition to the environment and the bay.
Dates are correct at time of issue, and subject to change.
To contact the TMR project team, please email boatinginfrastructure@msq.qld.gov.au or phone 13 QGOV (13 74 68).