Council delivers car-share scheme at Redland Bay Marina
Redland City Council has awarded a contract for a two-year car-share scheme at Redland Bay Marina, Weinam Creek.
Mayor Karen Williams said the recent Expression of Interest and subsequent tender process followed a successful car-share trial conducted at the marina from August 2020 to April 2021.
“The trial offered island residents access to a conveniently parked vehicle on the mainland without the overheads associated with owning one,” Cr Williams said.
“It proved very popular, with the trial operator reporting a doubling in car-share members and a 60 per cent increase in the number of car-share trips each week.
“The trial clearly demonstrated the viability of the initiative in the long term, so I am delighted Council is able to extend the scheme for another two years from 4 October 2021 through a contract with Bay Islands Car Share.
“Hopefully the trend of increased usage will continue and there will be a corresponding rise in the number of car parking spaces which will become available.”
Cr Williams said the car-share scheme was one of a number of options Council was investigating to help alleviate the high demand for car parking at Redland Bay Marina.
“Car-share schemes have been identified in the Redlands Coast Transport Strategy as a potential solution to deliver good transport outcomes, with benefits such as increased turnover and supply of car parks in the area,” she said.
Division 5 Councillor Mark Edwards said Bay Islands Car Share, which also conducted the trial, would operate eight dedicated car-share spaces between the Coast Guard building and the bus interchange.
“These spaces are located opposite the four which were used during the trial, and are still in close proximity to the ferry terminal,” Cr Edwards said.
“The trial showed island residents supported the scheme and there was a consistent increase in usage as a result of having dedicated car parks.”
The eight car-share parking spaces will be clearly identified with signage.
Consultation has concluded