Council delivers $444 million Budget with sharp focus on value for money
Redland City Council has unveiled a $444 million budget for the 2024-2025 financial year that focusses on ensuring ratepayers receive value for their money while keeping increases to rates and charges to a minimum.
Mayor Jos Mitchell said this year’s Council budget made a significant investment in projects and services for the community.
“From investments in infrastructure and parks to social and cultural programs, every budget allocation has been carefully considered by councillors to foster our local economy and enhance our city’s liveability,” she said.
“Since being elected as Mayor just over two months ago, I’ve been focusing on seeking information to ensure the annual budget delivers projects that reflected responsible spending.
“In preparing this year’s budget, which began development in November 2023, Council’s collective priority has been on providing the community with value for money in these challenging times.”
The Mayor said despite a range of external cost pressures currently impacting Council’s bottom line, recent median increases to Redland property valuations of more than 31 per cent and a forecast rates increase of 5.97 per cent predicted just 12 months ago, the increase in the minimum general rate had been limited to 5.51 per cent.
“Ratepayer contributions are vital to the running of our city,” she said.
“The general rate – the largest portion of the Council rate bill – is used for maintaining more than $3.4 billion in public assets, such as car parks, boat ramps, street lighting, playgrounds and other public amenities.
“It also helps fund some of our city’s most loved services, including our libraries, galleries, Redland Performing Arts Centre and IndigiScapes.
“Council recognises the cost-of-living pressures faced by the community and has adopted a $1.47 million operating deficit to offset the minimum general rate.”
Further measures to restrict the increase in the minimum general rate included building more than $13 million in cost-saving efficiencies into the Budget this year.
If not for Council’s commitment to finding savings, driving efficiencies and prioritising investment in value-for-money projects, the rate increase would have been significantly higher.
Council completed its second annual expenditure review this year to identify areas where it could save the community money and reduce the amount of revenue it needed to raise through rates to cover costs.
An example of where this has been achieved is through improvements to Council’s procurement practices, which is estimated to have saved the organisation about $2 million over the past financial year alone.
A further $11 million in savings were able to be built into the Budget through identified efficiencies in operating costs while still maintaining high service levels to the community.
Council has adopted a $118.3 million capital investment program for the financial year that includes $52.57 million for road and infrastructure projects.
“This makes up almost half of Council’s total capital spend for the financial year and will ensure our city is able to keep pace with population growth now and into the future,” the Mayor said.
“The funding put towards roads includes a $3 million package for green sealing works on the Southern Moreton Bay Islands, taking the total investment in this program to well in excess of $22 million since 2016.
“Council has also set aside $6.92 million for the continuation of upgrades to Wellington Street/Panorama Drive at Thornlands.”
In a big boost for lovers of the arts, Council has budgeted $3 million for refurbishment works at the Redland Performing Arts Centre in Cleveland.
Other infrastructure investment highlights include $5.65 million for the Weinam Creek Priority Development Area program, $7.62 million for the Redlands Coast Sport and Recreation Precinct at Mount Cotton and $1.04 million for renewal works at the Cleveland Library building.
A further $6 million has been allocated to the Digital Transformation Program that will enable Council to continue the multi-year rollout of improvements to its suite of digital services.
This investment will continue to deliver benefits to the community and Council through the modernisation of Council’s systems and processes to support better, faster and more responsive ways to interact with Council information and services, to enhance cyber resilience and data protection measures, and support productivity and efficiency improvements to the way the organisation plans and delivers its services.
“Each Budget is a reflection of the legacy and economic environment in which it is adopted,” the Mayor said.
“Council had to consider its financial position, the rising costs of goods and services, priority projects and the cost-of-living challenges impacting the community.
“After many hours spent in Budget development workshops, meetings and briefings, Council has settled on a $118.3 million capital expenditure program that represents a significant investment in our lifestyle, our city’s future, our natural environment and, most importantly, our community.”
The 2024–2025 budget at a glance:
- $444 million investment in Redlands Coast
- An increase in general rates revenue of 5.51 per cent, or about $1.49, for a category 1a, owner-occupied property with a valuation equal to the median valuation, excluding separate charges, utilities and State Government charges
- Small budgeted operating deficit of $1.47 million
- Capital expenditure program of $118.3 million
- Total pensioner rebates of almost $3.3 million, with rates rebates of $335.00 per year for a full pensioner or $167.50 for a part-pensioner.
Capital expenditure program at a glance:
- $31.86 million for water, waste and wastewater projects
- $29.57 million for road reseal, reconstruction and upgrade projects
- $23.00 million for infrastructure projects such as transport, buildings and stormwater
- $17.69 million for parks, open space and conservation
- $7.14 million for other capital works projects
- $4.49 million for marine and foreshore projects, including canal and breakwater works
- $4.54 million for community and cultural development
Visit the Redland City Council website at for more budget information.
Redland City Council provides a suite of services to 166,873 residents and more than 63,000 residential households across Redlands Coast. Our naturally wonderful city on Quandamooka Country is home to more than 335 kilometres of coastline, six island communities and 12 mainland suburbs.