SEMP endorsed by State agencies
The Amity Point SEMP has surpassed a new milestone with support from two important state agencies now having been received by Council.
On 28 February 2019, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries formally expressed their support for the SEMP in a letter to Council, which can be found in the documents library.
On 18 March 2019, the Department of Environment and Science also expressed their support for the SEMP, with Principal Coastal Scientist, Sel Sultmann by saying:
"I have reviewed the Amity Point SEMP and found it to be a well-researched and comprehensive document and note the extensive community consultation and engagement with regulatory agencies. I generally agree with the assessment of coastal processes in the area, the analysis of possible management options and support the proposed erosion management strategy as been consistent with sound coastal management principles.
The proposed strategy is generally compliant with the State Development Assessment Provisions (State Code 8: Coastal development and tidal works) and addresses marine park permitting requirements, noting that there are design, location and land tenure issues still to be resolved.
The erosion management strategy in the Amity Point SEMP is supported, however the Department is unable to endorse any proposal until the full details of works are known.
The SEMP will be of value to the Department in understanding the issue at Amity Point and for informing assessment of development applications consistent with the strategy."