Coastal Hazards Adaptation Strategy: Part 2- Emerging Hazards
The Draft Coastal Adaptation Strategy: Part 1 - Current Hazards is final and was endorsed by Council in December 2016. This work identified those areas on Redlands Coast that are currently subject to erosion, and recommended appropriate and sustainable management of these areas.This report will remain in draft until Part 2 is finalised in 2020.
The Coastal Hazards Adaptation Strategy (CHAS): Part 2 - Emerging Hazards is now under development and builds on the existing hazards that were identified in Phase 1. The Strategy development and delivery is overseen by a high-level Coastal Adaptation Steering Committee chaired by Redland City's Mayor, which involves senior State Government representatives who provide advice on the progress of the CHAS.
The Queensland State Government's QCoast 2100: Minimum Standards and Guideline for Queensland Local Governments, underpins the development of this second stage of the Strategy, enabling Councils to focus forward and consider the future coastal hazards and their impacts out to the year 2100.
QCoast2100 also provides funding through the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ), to facilitate the delivery of the eight-phase process which is outlined in the attached figure.
Redland City Council is currently completing Phases 3 and 4, and expects the Strategy to be completed by October 2020.
Consultation has concluded