Draft CHAS available for review
Redland City Council has completed its draft Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS).
The CHAS is a city-wide strategy for the protection of our coastline and islands comprising of a range of initiatives to help Council and property owners adapt to coastal hazards, including storm tide inundation, sea level rise, and coastal erosion, now and into the future.
Development of the CHAS has been informed by technical assessments and engagement activities with stakeholders and the community from 2018 to 2020.
Location-specific adaptation actions are set out in pathways from present-day to 2100 for each of the 16 coastal localities across Redlands Coast. These actions are informed by the changing risk profile, economic analysis, and broader objectives for management.
Examples of adaptation actions include:
- City-wide environmental stewardship programs, including vegetation enhancement for important mangrove areas and dune systems
- Enhancing community resilience and adaptative capacity
- Monitoring programs to inform future adaptation planning
- Informing infrastructure upgrades and programs
- Establishing collaborative research partnerships
- Updating design guidelines for key infrastructure
- Implementing Shoreline Erosion Management Plans
- Reviewing opportunities to improve drainage networks
- Reviewing funding models and mechanisms for shared public and private works
Adaptation pathways will be continually informed by community input and ideas, new knowledge, and monitoring the effectiveness of actions.
The draft CHAS is out for public consultation from 19 November to 18 December 2020. To view the document click here and to make a submission click on the 'Make a submission' tab on this page.
Consultation has concluded