June 2018 Update
From April 2017 to the end of July 2017, Council consulted with local communities and special interest groups about coastal erosion.
Consultation included distribution of local area maps showing nearby erosion locations, on-site engagement events at key erosion locations, stakeholder briefings and more.
Council also did surveys to find out how the community used these areas, and identify what the community and stakeholders wanted to see preserved and protected at these locations.
Feedback ranged across interests and included the need to preserve: easy access to popular beaches, important Indigenous and European heritage sites, infrastructure, and the intertidal zone which is important for migratory birds.
Thousands of people participated in the consultation process.
Community consultation also led to the identification of additional sites, which following assessment may be added to the list of 44 currently recognised erosion prone locations.
Keep an eye out for the next phase of community consultation, with workshops starting in August 2018.
Consultation has concluded