About the CHAS

    What is the Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy?

    The Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS) is a strategy to identify areas and assets on Redlands Coast that may be impacted by climate change, related coastal hazards (coastal erosion, sea-level rise, or storm tide inundation), in the future and to plan for cost-effective adaptation measures. 

    Why do we need a strategy like this for Redlands Coast?

    With more than 335kms of coastline on Redlands Coast, Council has a responsibility to assess the vulnerabilities and risks posed by changes to the coastline, and determine the best way to manage public areas and assets. 

    What is coastal adaptation?

    Coastal adaptation is the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate change and its effects. There is a range of ways we can adapt to coastal hazards. Across each Redlands Coast locality, strategic adaptation responses include to:

    • Monitor coastal hazard risk
    • Mitigate coastal hazard risk
    • Transition the land use

    For each of these responses, there are adaptation actions that can be applied. These include:

    • protecting and building the resilience of natural systems, such as foreshores,
    • implementing land use planning controls and education programs,
    • changes and upgrades to infrastructure, and
    • implementing coastal engineering options.

    When did Council start this planning?

    Council began considering coastal adaptation in 2016 with the development of the Coastal Adaption Strategy (CAS): Part 1 – Current Hazards. Endorsed by Council in 2017, Part 1 looked only at erosion and its current impact on areas of Redlands Coast.

    The Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS): Part 2 – Emerging Hazards, now under development, commenced in 2018. Part 2 looks to the future impact of erosion, as well as the impact of storm tide inundation and sea level rise on Redlands Coast.

    What phase of work is Council at?

    At 29 May 2019, Council has completed Phases 1 and 2 of the Strategy with Phases 3 and 4 underway now. Phases 5-7 are expected to be delivered in FY 2019/2020, and Phase 8 will be completed in FY 2020/2021.

    Are there many areas on Redlands Coast affected by coastal hazards?

    Phase 3 of the CHAS will specifically identify the areas of risk on Redlands Coast, in the latter part of 2019. Landowners can use mapping attached to the Redland City Plan (insert hyperlink) to help them identify specific risks associated with their own properties over an 80 year horizon.

    What are the current priority areas?

    As part of the 2016 Coastal Adaptation Strategy, the only area currently identified as being at a priority is Amity Point on North Stradbroke Island which is a declared Erosion Prone Area under the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995.

    Council has completed a Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) which proposes a range of management options for current erosion at that site. https://yoursay.redland.qld.gov.au/amity-point-shoreline-erosion

    Is there a calculation of the cost of the loss of land from coastal hazards?

    This will be considered as part of the CHAS process.  The amount of land covered by coastal hazards can be quantified.

    Is Redland City Council the only Council doing this?

    Redland City Council is one of more than 30 coastal Councils throughout the State that are also doing this planning. All are being part-funded by the state government’s QCoast2100 program through the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ).  In conjunction with The Department of Environment and Science (DES), LGAQ has provided the QCoast2100 Minimum Standards and Guidelines, which provides a framework for considering and planning how to address future coastal hazards.

    For information on QCoast2100 - http://www.qcoast2100.com.au/faqs

    Is the state funding through LGAQ for the actual works?

    No, the funding is not to fund works, but to support Councils in delivering the Strategy. The LGAQ will check and analyse the reports produced by Councils to ensure they comply with the requirements of the QCoast2100 Minimum Standards and Guidelines.  Funding is then released to Councils. 

    How much funding is being provided?

    Council may receive funding of up to $500,000 to support the development of the eight phases of the Strategy. It does not cover the implementation of adaptation options.

    Will Council have to contribute ratepayers’ money towards this work?

    Yes. State Government funding will help pay for development of the Strategy. Council will also contribute human and financial resources to oversee and coordinate this work. 

    This planning is great, but what is Council actually doing in response to coastal hazards?

    Redland City Council completed an assessment of existing erosion on Redlands Coast in 2016 and has published the Coastal Adaptation Strategy - Part 1 on the Council website. This document recommended management options for current erosion sites across Redlands Coast, and these areas are given consideration in budget prioritisation. 

    When will decisions be made about which adaptation option will be used in each area?

    After the Phase 5 - Risk Assessment, investigation of suitable adaptation options for each area will begin.  Council will work with the community and key stakeholders to find solutions that are appropriate to each area based on consideration of scale, cost, environmental and aesthetic impact, and community preferences.

    How much responsibility is vested with Local, State and Federal Governments respectively?

    The impact of climate on coastal hazards and coastal communities is an issue identified globally, with the United Nations providing guidance to countries on various issues including coastal adaptation. Each level of government considers this advice and prepares policies and guidelines to address the impact on Australian communities.

    What’s Australia doing about coastal hazards?

    Click here for information on the Australian Government's focus on coastal hazards.

    For tools and more information visit the CoastAdapt site

    Or visit the state government's adaptation program

    Where does a Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) fit into this CHAS strategy?

    They are two separate strategies although they do respond to similar issues. 

    A CHAS paints the bigger picture providing policy, planning tools, and preferred works methodology for the local government area (LGA). The CHAS is a medium to long‐term strategic plan (20-100 years) which considers emerging threats from erosion, sea level rise and storm tide inundation across the entire coastal zone within a Council’s jurisdiction. It may recommend planning pathways to avoid the threat (generally or specifically for an LGA) or indicate erosion protection works are an appropriate treatment solution in the future

    The SEMP is undertaken at a localised level as the threat becomes imminent; to more carefully investigate the local conditions and fine tune the response. A SEMP is a short to medium‐term plan (up to 20 years), and considers active or imminent erosion threats within a discreet and specific coastal reach/precinct.  It may include details works designs and timelines.

    The SEMP and CHAS are similar in that both:

    •  Consider environmental values, social values, financial/ cost implications and legislation

    •  consider influences of future climate change

    •  evaluate, identify and recommend viable management options, and

    •  both are overseen by the RCC Coastal Adaptation Steering Committee

    Two SEMPs are currently under development for Amity Point on North Stradbroke Island and Coochiemudlo Island, and arose from the findings of the Coastal Adaptation Strategy: Part 1 – Current Erosion in 2016

Helping you plan

    What can I do now to start planning?

    The following links will get you started:

    ·  Visit Council’s Planning, building and development page 

    ·  Or look over the state government's Tidal works and prescribed tidal works page, or

    ·  Pick up some information and tips on coastal adaptation at the CoastAdapt site 

    Does the Strategy consider private landowners?

    The CHAS is identifying all assets, whether public or private, which may be impacted by coastal hazards of erosion, storm tide inundation and sea level rise. As part of the CHAS process, Council will engage with private landholders and provide educational material and opportunities to assist them in making decisions for their own private property.

    Adaptation options developed by Council will, however, only be for public assets.

    Private landowners would need to carry out and fund their own adaption option, subject to the normal Development Approval process.

    What if people buy land in the inundation zone?

    Property buyers have a responsibility to fully understand the conditions of the land they are buying. RCC City Plan provides overlays showing areas impacted.

    Council also has an electronic mapping system for the Redlands Coast area, called Red-e-map, which displays these overlays.

    What are the likely adaptation options?

    What are the likely adaptation options? Adaptation options fall into five broad categories: 
    ·  Defend (or Foreshore Protection)
    ·  Accommodate
    ·  Retreat
    ·  Maintain the status quo, or 
    ·  Repurpose. 

     Which options apply depends on the particular situation, and consideration of social, environmental and economic and governance criteria. For more information visit: https://coastadapt.com.au/adaptation-options

    How will this affect insurance on my property?

    Visit the Insurance Council of Australia site for information.

Understanding the Hazards

    What drives risks in terms of weather patterns and future erosion risk?

    The coastline is influenced by coastal hazards which include coastal erosion, sea level rise and storm tide inundation.  As part of completing the CHAS, we will be identifying areas exposed to current and future coastal hazards, including the identification of assets potentially impacted.  The work is being undertaken in accordance with the QCoast2100 Minimum Standards and Guidelines.

    What is a storm tide?

    A storm tide is a type of flooding caused by cyclones and severe storms, resulting in the inundation of low lying coastal areas.

    What is meant by climate change?

    Climate change refers to the changes to the present day climate associated with the effects of global warming. Climate change is projected to have a significant impact on the coastal zone especially through sea-level rise and intensification of cyclones. 

    Pre-eminent information about the impact of climate change is provided in the Fifth Assessment Report of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

    Council's has published a response to our changing climate

Understanding Council’s mapping

    What is the role of a Hazard Overlays in the Redland City Plan?

    Hazard overlays show that a property is constrained by a risk that may affect the safety of people, property and infrastructure. The following hazard overlays are used in the Redland City Plan:

    • Bushfire Hazard Overlay
    • Flood and Storm Tide Hazard Overlay
    • Landslide Hazard Overlay
    • Coastal Protection (erosion prone areas) Overlay.

    Why does Council produce storm tide mapping?

    State legislation, through the State Planning Policy 2017, requires Councils to take appropriate account of the potential impacts of natural hazards in order to make effective land use planning and development decisions. Storm tide mapping is produced to assist in this process.

    How are the flood and storm tide maps used?

    The Flood and Storm Tide Hazard Overlay (FSTHO) forms part of the Redland City Plan. It is used in conjunction with the associated Flood and Storm Tide Hazard Overlay Code to assess and decide certain development applications. For example, the FSTHO is used to establish the habitable floor levels of new residential development proposed in a Storm Tide Inundation Area.

    The 2070 map is for information purposes only. Its primary function is to convey the area predicted to be inundated during a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) storm tide event in the year 2070. It assists the community to understand how the risks associated with storm tide are likely to change over time, as the predicted impacts of climate change unfold (e.g. when the sea level rises).

    Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP): means the probability, expressed as a percentage, of an event exceeding a particular level or magnitude in any 1 year (Source: Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995)


    Why are there two different storm tide maps?

    The Flood and Storm Tide Hazard Overlay contains statutory storm tide hazard mapping that is used to inform land use planning and development decisions. It was produced in accordance with State Planning Policy requirements.

    The 2070 Storm Tide Hazard Map is a non-statutory map that was produced at the request of the community. It assists the community in understanding how the impacts of storm tide are likely to change over time, as the predicted impacts of climate change unfold. It is based on a 50 year planning horizon, which approximately corresponds with the design life of a dwelling house constructed today. 

    Why is there no sea level rise mapping?

    Sea Level Rise is accounted for in the storm tide component of the overlay. 

    Why is the Flood and Storm Tide Hazard Overlay map based on the year 2100?

    The State Planning Policy requires local government to account for the projected impacts of climate change by the year 2100 in its statutory storm tide mapping, based on:

    ·  A sea level rise (SLR) factor of 0.8 metres; and

    ·  An increase in the maximum cyclone intensity by 10%.

    Why has Council used a projected sea-level rise figure of 0.8m for the year 2100?

    The Queensland Government’s coastal hazard planning uses a projected sea level rise figure for our area for the year 2100 of 0.8m (or 800mm).This is based on information provided by the CSIRO’s  Climate Change in Australia project. Future climate scenario modelling used to forecast sea level rises for this project is based on a greenhouse gas emissions scenario called ‘RCP 8.5’.

    This is what is expected to happen if there is minimal action taken worldwide to reduce global greenhouse emissions between now and the year 2100. It is often referred to as the ‘business as usual’ emissions scenario.

    How was the Coastal Protection (Erosion Prone Areas) Overlay developed?

    The Queensland Government has declared erosion prone areas along the coast, published maps and set regional storm tide inundation levels to indicate the hazard. Coastal hazard area maps help guide land-use planning and development decisions.

    Redland City Council is in the process of further refining these maps, in consultation with the state Department of Environment and Science (DES) to recognise areas already protected from erosion. These include areas protected by natural means (i.e. hard, rocky outcrops) and man-made measures (i.e. revetment walls).