Update - October 2018
Since forming the Coochie Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) Community Reference Group (CRG) in October 2017, the group has met five times bringing community perspectives to the table. The reference group was able to have input into the specifications and the appointment of consultants, BMT who were commissioned to complete the SEMP in July 2018. BMT are experienced in Coochiemudlo’s erosion issues having authored the Norfolk Beach Shoreline Erosion Study though their focus is now broader, encompassing the whole island. The first and current stage in the process involves BMT carrying out research into current literature, coastal processes impacting Coochie and identifying risks. To that end, an Open Day was recently held on Coochie to enable locals and landowners the opportunity to provide their input into areas that are subject to erosion, as well as identifying areas of value to the local community.