What is a Shoreline Erosion Management Plan?

    A Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) is a non-statutory planning document that outlines an agreed framework and strategy for Council to manage and respond to current and future erosion risks.

    The Coochiemudlo Island SEMP investigates the underlying causes of shoreline erosion by assessing the coastal processes occurring on the foreshore and considering the island’s environmental, cultural and economic values. 

    The document also outlines what actions stakeholders, including governments and communities, can take to manage the impacts of erosion on the foreshore.

    What’s happening at Coochiemudlo Island and why is a SEMP required?

    Coochiemudlo Island is subject to erosion, and the SEMP determined it is caused primarily by storm events. The SEMP also assessed the island’s ‘sand movement patterns’ and ascertained sand is travelling in both directions along the eastern foreshore, varying seasonally and depending on weather conditions. Coastal process studies found that during the summer months, sand will travel south along Norfolk Beach and west along Main Beach.

    In 2016, Council developed its Coastal Adaptation Strategy (CAS) to identify areas on Redlands Coast subject to erosion and recommend appropriate and sustainable management actions for these areas. Under the CAS, some areas of Coochiemudlo Island are classified as medium-risk, and in 2017 Council began work on the current Coochiemudlo Island Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP).

    The SEMP helps Council to understand the coastal processes occurring on the island’s foreshore and recommends viable management actions to protect the island from erosion.

    What are the recommended management actions for Coochiemudlo Island?

    The SEMP recommends Council implement the following management actions:

    • Post-storm beach nourishment across the island to help accelerate the natural recovery process and provide a buffer against future coastal hazards
    • Ongoing beach monitoring program, involving the installation of photo monitoring points and annual beach surveys to refine the management plan  
    • Vegetation and stormwater management 
    • Formalisation of beach access
    • Sustainable relocation of dredged sand

    Implementation of the recommended actions is subject to Council’s annual budget development and budget prioritisation process.

    Is private property or public infrastructure on Coochiemudlo Island at risk of being impacted by erosion?

    The shoreline erosion occurring on Coochiemudlo Island poses little risk to private land or public infrastructure.

    Council will use the SEMP to implement the recommended management actions to protect the island’s environmental, cultural, and economic values, including foreshore vegetation and beach amenity.

    Implementation of the recommended actions is subject to Council’s annual budget development and budget prioritisation process.

    Where can I view a copy of the SEMP?

    The Coochiemudlo Island SEMP is available for downloading at Council’s Coochiemudlo Island Shoreline Erosion Management Plan Your Say page. To download a copy, click here.

    Who was consulted during the development of the SEMP?

    Council undertook consultation during the development of the SEMP with stakeholders including Queensland Government agencies and the project’s Community Reference Group. 

    The community reference group comprised several Coochiemudlo Island residents and representatives from community organisations and Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation.

    What is the purpose of the Coochie SEMP Community Reference Group?

    The primary purpose of the Community Reference Group is to work with Redland City Council officers, contributing their expertise and knowledge to shoreline erosion planning for Coochiemudlo Island. 

    The group also provides valuable local input to ensure the delivery of a Shoreline Erosion Management Plan that meets the current and long-term needs of the community.

    What happened to the Norfolk Beach Shoreline Erosion Management Plan?

    In response to erosion issues at Coochiemudlo Island, Council engaged consultants BMT to prepare a Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) for Norfolk Beach. The draft SEMP was released to the community for the purpose of providing transparent information on potential risks. This caused a significant amount of community interest and feedback and it was clear that more work was needed to effectively engage with the Coochiemudlo Island community.

    Based on this community feedback, in August 2014 Council resolved to finalise the draft Norfolk Beach study as Shoreline Erosion Studies, and instead use these documents as background studies for the development of the SEMP.

    Subsequently, the Coochiemudlo Island SEMP Community Reference Group has been established as a conduit for capturing community sentiment and to offer an opportunity for effective engagement for the Coochiemudlo Island community.

    What areas of Redlands Coast are at high-risk?

    The 2016 Draft Coastal Adaptation Strategy: Phase 1 - Current Hazards identified Amity Point on North Stradbroke Island as the only area of high-risk. This is due to significant erosion which has occurred along the Amity Point foreshore over a long period of time, resulting in the loss of public and private property. Amity Point is a declared Erosion Prone Area under the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995.

    Coochiemudlo Island was considered at medium-risk and required further detailed planning through the development of a SEMP.