Wilson Esplanade Foreshore Protection Project

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Redland City Council is working to improve and protect a section of the foreshore at the southern end of Wilson Esplanade, Victoria Point.

The Wilson Esplanade Foreshore Protection Project will deliver new and upgraded infrastructure at adjoining locations along the beach impacted by coastal hazards such as erosion.

This project scope includes:

  • The upgrade of an existing rock armour seawall, including a foreshore access ramp, as well as the upgrade of an underground stormwater pipe and outlet within the upgraded seawall
  • The extension of two stormwater pipes and construction of new rock armour groynes

'Rock armour' is a form of coastal protection involving the engineered placement of rocks as a barrier against scouring actions of tides, currents, and waves.

New rock armour groynes

In 2014, Council conducted a coastal study of the foreshore area that runs parallel to Wilson Esplanade. The study found the site was in dire need of new sand to help mitigate the impact of erosion.

The extension of two stormwater pipes and the construction of rock groynes will work together to further protect the replenished foreshore from stormwater runoff and coastal erosion.

The structural design of the rock groynes is unavailable for community feedback due to the location and vulnerability of the site.

New rock armour seawall

Council is planning to upgrade an existing rock armour seawall located along this section of the foreshore. Council will also upgrade an underground stormwater pipe and outlet within the upgraded seawall.

The upgrade is in response to erosion occurring along the foreshore as a result of the existing seawall not being suited to current conditions at the site.

Council has also noted the current seawall is being used as an informal ramp.

In an effort to mitigate coastal erosion and offer recreational infrastructure, Council has developed two seawall design options.

One design showcases the upgraded seawall, whilst the second design showcases the upgraded seawall and optional ramp. The designs are indicative only.

In March 2020, Council consulted the community on their views about the possibility of formalising an unapproved foreshore access structure adjacent to Wilson Esplanade. Based on the feedback submitted, and as part of the project, Council will construct an access ramp at the location of the currently unapproved structure.

The project remains subject to Council's budget prioritisation process and approvals.

Redland City Council is working to improve and protect a section of the foreshore at the southern end of Wilson Esplanade, Victoria Point.

The Wilson Esplanade Foreshore Protection Project will deliver new and upgraded infrastructure at adjoining locations along the beach impacted by coastal hazards such as erosion.

This project scope includes:

  • The upgrade of an existing rock armour seawall, including a foreshore access ramp, as well as the upgrade of an underground stormwater pipe and outlet within the upgraded seawall
  • The extension of two stormwater pipes and construction of new rock armour groynes

'Rock armour' is a form of coastal protection involving the engineered placement of rocks as a barrier against scouring actions of tides, currents, and waves.

New rock armour groynes

In 2014, Council conducted a coastal study of the foreshore area that runs parallel to Wilson Esplanade. The study found the site was in dire need of new sand to help mitigate the impact of erosion.

The extension of two stormwater pipes and the construction of rock groynes will work together to further protect the replenished foreshore from stormwater runoff and coastal erosion.

The structural design of the rock groynes is unavailable for community feedback due to the location and vulnerability of the site.

New rock armour seawall

Council is planning to upgrade an existing rock armour seawall located along this section of the foreshore. Council will also upgrade an underground stormwater pipe and outlet within the upgraded seawall.

The upgrade is in response to erosion occurring along the foreshore as a result of the existing seawall not being suited to current conditions at the site.

Council has also noted the current seawall is being used as an informal ramp.

In an effort to mitigate coastal erosion and offer recreational infrastructure, Council has developed two seawall design options.

One design showcases the upgraded seawall, whilst the second design showcases the upgraded seawall and optional ramp. The designs are indicative only.

In March 2020, Council consulted the community on their views about the possibility of formalising an unapproved foreshore access structure adjacent to Wilson Esplanade. Based on the feedback submitted, and as part of the project, Council will construct an access ramp at the location of the currently unapproved structure.

The project remains subject to Council's budget prioritisation process and approvals.

  • Update: Survey results

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    Council would like to thank everyone who participated in the Wilson Esplanade seawall upgrade works survey.

    The survey garnered many responses and provided Council with insight into what the community wants.

    More than half of the responses submitted indicate the community would like Council to build a rock seawall with an access ramp for non-motorised watercraft at Wilson Esplanade. 70% of these respondents voted for ramp location option one as the ideal spot to build the ramp.

    Thank you once again for taking the time to participate in this fantastic project that will protect the Wilson Esplanade foreshore from erosion, while also promoting and improving access to the bay.

    Project updates will be added to this site as more details become available - so stay tuned!

  • Community feedback period closed

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    Community consultation on the two seawall design options has concluded.

    Thank you to everyone who took the survey and informed Council of their preferred design.

    The project team will now review the feedback and advise of the outcome here on the project's page.

    Stay tuned!

  • Seawall design options open for community feedback

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    Council is seeking community feedback on the two seawall design options as well as the location of the optional ramp.

    The two designs can be viewed here.

    To submit feedback on the seawall designs and ramp location options, please take the project survey.

    Consultation on this project is open from Monday 2 March until Monday 23 March 2020.

Page last updated: 20 Jul 2021, 03:36 PM