April 2017
Over the last 16 months, Council has been working with North Stradbroke Island residents, stakeholders and consultants to draft a Shoreline Erosion Management Plan for the Amity Point area.
Input has been received from a range of government, community and specialist sources, including coastal engineers from the water, coastal and environmental consultant company, Water Technology.
At the end of 2016 a draft Shoreline Erosion Management Plan was devised proposing various strategies in response to the differing erosion processes and risks at play at Amity.
This confidential document was presented for comment to Island resident representatives and stakeholders, through the specially established Amity Point Shoreline Erosion Management Plan Community Reference Group, and also sent the State Government for comment and review. The Amity Reference Group includes 12 community residents.
Since the start of the 2017, the State has been reviewing the draft document and formalising its response, which is expected in the coming weeks.
When Council receives a formal response to the draft plan, it will work with the State, and the North Stradbroke Island residents, stakeholders and consultants on the Reference Group to address any identified issues.
In addition to reviewing the Draft SEMP, further detailed work is being undertaken to investigate the necessary technical, legal and other actions required for the effective implementation of an agreed SEMP.
This detailed work is being undertaken for inclusion with the Draft SEMP package to be submitted to Council for consideration and endorsement, if agreed.
Once endorsed, the Shoreline Erosion Management Plan for Amity Point will be made public, and form the basis for the way in which erosion at Amity Point will be managed in the future.
It is expected the final SEMP package will be submitted for Council consideration in the second half of the 2017 calendar year.