Final draft Amity Point SEMP - Released to the public
Comments and questions can be made directly to the website for two weeks, from today until 17 April 2019, through the ‘Comment on the SEMP’ tab.The final SEMP will then go forward for endorsement by Redland City Council, formalising the SEMP as a framework and strategy to manage and respond to the erosion impacting the vulnerable foreshore of Amity Point, North Stradbroke Island.
Council has worked closely with the Amity Point SEMP Community Reference Group (CRG), a representative body that has provided a community voice throughout development of the SEMP, and would like to thank the participants for their contributions on behalf of the Amity Point community.
In consultation with the CRG and the state agencies, Council is now moving forward with an Implementation Plan to firm up the detail surrounding the recommendations in the SEMP and we expect this process to be complete in 2019.