March 2018
Council has been working with North Stradbroke Island residents, stakeholders and environmental consultants to develop a Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) for the Amity Point area.
The SEMP will establish a framework for responding to existing erosion problems and potential future threats.
The draft SEMP has been through a number of reviews and incorporates feedback from a range of government, community and specialist sources. A final draft is now being completed.
Following consultation with the Cultural Heritage Body, Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC), the final draft document will be presented to key stakeholders through the Amity Point Shoreline Erosion Management Plan Community Reference Group (CRG).
Council is undertaking work to investigate the requirements to effectively implement the final agreed SEMP. It is expected that the final Amity Point SEMP will be submitted for Council endorsement in late 2018, then made available to the public.
In the interim, Council will continue to liaise with the Amity Point community, through the CRG, in relation to erosion management measures.