New foreshore survey data available with second planned for early 2023
New foreshore survey data has been produced to assist erosion-affected homeowners at the northern reach of Amity Point. It comes as foreshore monitoring continues with a follow-up survey planned for early 2023. The data gathering forms part of an ongoing coastal process study expected for completion by mid-2023.
Council is providing the survey data and coastal process study to landowners in the northern reach of Amity Point to help them understand and plan around the dynamic coastline. The information can be used to inform the design and approvals of any works landowners may want to undertake, in consultation with a qualified coastal engineer, and with the necessary permits and approvals.
A baseline survey undertaken in 2022 is now available online. While Council does not fund or deliver private coastal protection works, we are committed to sharing ongoing results of the monitoring to assist landowners who may want to do so themselves. The foreshore surveys ultimately assist with developing a deeper understanding of the coastal processes that affect this area.