October 2018 Update
The Amity Point Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) is in final draft and Redland City Council is now consulting with the state government agencies that have an interest in the details of the plan. As recommended by the Council’s Coastal Adaptation Steering Committee, the Project Team met on site with state agency representatives from departments of Environment and Science, Agriculture and Fisheries, State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning, as well as QYAC, as part of a pre-approval process. While not approving the SEMP as such, agencies may endorse the SEMP, thereby providing smoother passage of development applications that may be required in the future. Together with pre-lodgement feedback, the final draft will then be provided to the Amity Point SEMP Community Reference Group (CRG) and sent on to Council for formal endorsement. At the same time, the Amity Point SEMP CRG will be invited to review/ refine the draft specification for the Amity Point SEMP Implementation Plan, with a proposed procurement timeframe during December / January.