Draft - Young People’s Action Plan 2024-2027
Consultation has concluded

Redland City Council voted to endorse the Young Peoples Action Plan 2024 -2027 on January 17, 2024.
2027 Vision. To build safe, strong and self-reliant communities that provide our young people with good access to social infrastructure and services, housing options, welcoming open spaces and a range of suitable sport, recreational, cultural, educational and employment opportunities.
Being a young person can be a difficult time as the transition to independence deepens. Contemporary society has thrown many challenges at our young people, both individually and collectively. Growing up in an increasingly digitally connected society can sometimes come at the expense of strong interpersonal connections crucial to health and happiness. Increasing social and economic pressures place further strains on important relationships.
Redlands Coast is home to approximately 24,500 young people between the ages of 12 and 24. These young people contribute to the social fabric of Redlands Coast in many ways, including formal and informal volunteering, caring for family members, participating in sport and recreation clubs, and championing change for social and environmental causes.
Many young people in our city enjoy deep connection and support from their families and networks. However, some of our young people have increased vulnerability in a number of well-being domains and require additional support from external sources, including health, housing and safety.
Over the lifespan of this action plan, Council aims to harness the power of our existing supports while advocating for the needs of our young people to ensure all young people living on Redlands Coast are able to enjoy a prosperous transition into adulthood.
Council’s commitment to our young people
At Council, we are committed to acknowledging our young people and where they are at. We will seek out, share and celebrate the successes of our young people. Our young people will know that certain portrayals of their collective image do not define them. We will work tirelessly to ensure our young people feel valued and supported to live a good life and meet their potential. This will be achieved through strong partnerships and collaboration across sectors, levels of government and with young people at the core of all we do.
Why a Young People’s Action Plan
Approximately 24,500 young people are living on Redlands Coast, representing 15.5% of the Redland City population. Our young people are the future locally and globally, in a world that is changing rapidly. When a young person seeks support and guidance on their journey, it is vital that our community is prepared and equipped to provide it.
This action plan sets out how Council will deliver, partner, educate, advocate and facilitate with our partners, community and beyond to build on the strong foundations already established to see our young people succeed. Having a plan reduces uncertainty and sets up defined and achievable goals; it articulates our direction and priorities for the next four years and beyond. It creates measures of success for Council to know if we have achieved what we set out to.
The draft Young People's Action Plan outlines how Council can achieve strategic goals and outcomes. The purpose of this plan is to identify initiatives that:
- Position Redlands Coast communities as safe and welcoming for young people
- Build strong relationships that create connections and pathways for young people to navigate their needs
- Create, promote and foster access, inclusion and participation opportunities for all young people
- Acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments and positive contributions young people make to Redlands Coast
All residents, businesses and those who work in the city are encouraged to explore the 32 actions outlined in the draft Young People's Action Plan and take the survey beginning on 15 November to let us know your thoughts on the draft plan.
While you are visiting Your say Redlands Coast here, please also see the draft Stronger Communities Strategy and provide your valued feedback during the consultation period from 15 November to 5 December 2023.