What is the purpose of the proposed community garden?
The proposed community garden intends to create a harmonious garden space, accessible to all Redland residents of any ability to build friendships and promote health & wellbeing through sustainable neighbourhood gardening.
Gardens are a therapeutic place for recovery from mental fatigue. Gardening improves outlook and life satisfaction, helps us to cope with and recover from stress, improves our ability to recover from illness and injury, restores concentration, and improves productivity.
How will the garden be laid out?
The conceptual layout of the garden can be viewed in the photo gallery on the Tuna Court Park- Proposed Community Garden page.
This may be subject to minor change noting the feedback from public consultation submissions.
Who is eligible to enter a submission?
Who will see my submission?
Council will receive and assess the submissions lodged in response to the proposed community garden. Any submission lodged to Council will not be available for public viewing.
Will the proposed community garden be available to everyone?
It is proposed that parts of the garden will be fenced and only accessible to garden members to help provide security for assets.
It is proposed that a mix of shared communal planting plots will be available to paid members, including the option for an allotted plot for you and your family to harvest and enjoy.
All community members are welcome to join Bayside Community Garden group as paid members, or simply enjoy garden open days.
Who are the Bayside Community Garden group?
The Bayside Community Garden group have approached Redland City Council to create a new community garden in Thornlands.
The Bayside Community Garden group are a local ‘not for profit’ incorporated organisation, whom welcome new members from the community to participate in community based projects.
More information about the group, and their community garden proposal can be found here https://www.facebook.com/groups/BaysideCommunityGarden/about/ https://www.facebook.com/RedlandsCoastSaladBowl/