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Bringing a world-class precinct to life

It is the largest, most encompassing and diverse community project ever delivered by Council for Redlands Coast. It is Birkdale Community Precinct (BCP), and it is being shaped into something truly wonderful in a collaboration between the community and Council.

We encourage you to keep visiting this site to learn the latest on this regionally significant project set on glorious former farmland in Birkdale. This Your Say project page has a wealth of background on the precinct, including a copy of the Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan and its supporting document, and details around the journey to this point. It shares the rich culture and history of the much-loved land and details how this heritage will be protected and celebrated. It also explains the unique natural habitat which will be protected and enhanced. It shows how your thoughts and input are shaping it into the world-class community asset that this generation and those to come will enjoy and cherish.

BCP will continue to tell its stories while locals and visitors to the precinct create their own.

Bringing a world-class precinct to life

It is the largest, most encompassing and diverse community project ever delivered by Council for Redlands Coast. It is Birkdale Community Precinct (BCP), and it is being shaped into something truly wonderful in a collaboration between the community and Council.

We encourage you to keep visiting this site to learn the latest on this regionally significant project set on glorious former farmland in Birkdale. This Your Say project page has a wealth of background on the precinct, including a copy of the Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan and its supporting document, and details around the journey to this point. It shares the rich culture and history of the much-loved land and details how this heritage will be protected and celebrated. It also explains the unique natural habitat which will be protected and enhanced. It shows how your thoughts and input are shaping it into the world-class community asset that this generation and those to come will enjoy and cherish.

BCP will continue to tell its stories while locals and visitors to the precinct create their own.

  • Isabella “Goat Lady” Alcock’s legacy to live on at Birkdale Community Precinct

    Share Isabella “Goat Lady” Alcock’s legacy to live on at Birkdale Community Precinct on Facebook Share Isabella “Goat Lady” Alcock’s legacy to live on at Birkdale Community Precinct on Twitter Share Isabella “Goat Lady” Alcock’s legacy to live on at Birkdale Community Precinct on Linkedin Email Isabella “Goat Lady” Alcock’s legacy to live on at Birkdale Community Precinct link
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    A derelict, one-room hut at Birkdale Community Precinct once owned by the locally famous “Goat Lady” will be dismantled starting this Thursday, 31 August.

    Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said the often-vandalised hut used by the late Isabella Alcock, who was fondly known as “The Goat Lady” of Birkdale, had reached its end-of-life.

    “It contains asbestos and, while it is sad to see it go, keeping it would present a danger to people as we begin the process of opening up Birkdale Community Precinct to the community,” Cr Williams said.

    “The hut does not sit within the State heritage-listed zones or the Conservation Zone of the precinct.”

    Work on dismantling the hut will be carried out by licensed contractors who will be responsible for ensuring the safe removal and disposal of the asbestos that it contains, Cr Williams said.

    “Unfortunately, the structure cannot be safely restored once the asbestos has been removed,” she said.

    “We have engaged heritage specialists to undertake an Archival Recording, to ensure that an appropriate record is documented about Isabella’s legacy and the hut.”

    Division 10 Councillor Paul Bishop said that while it was sad that the hut would go, it was important to ensure Ms Alcock’s legacy would continue.

    Together with her mother, Ms Alcock ran a small dairy (cattle and goats) on the northern part of the land, at that time known as Cotton’s Farm, from about 1953.

    “While they were effectively squatters, the goat ladies’ enterprise was instrumental in keeping this valuable piece of Redlands Coast pastoral land from being developed when it passed from private to public ownership in the events following World War II,” Cr Bishop said.

    “Many locals fondly recall stories of encounters with Isabella who was a protector of the land and her cattle.

    “It is hoped that stories can keep their spirit alive in future years as a reminder of how simple life used to be, from pioneer days until quite recently.”

    The Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan, released in March this year, allows for a visual art piece near the main entry to the precinct commemorating Ms Alcock’s life.

    Share your memories of Ms Alcock – ‘The Goat Lady’

    Council would like to hear your stories about Ms Alcock and the hut in which she lived. To share your story and photos, go to the Share Your Story tab on this page.

  • Gathering gourmet gum leaves for Redlands Coast koalas

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    Koalas are one of the most iconic and beloved animals in Australia and their protection is a top priority for Redland City Council. A unique research project, involving a collaboration between Council and the Australian National University, is looking specifically at the nutritional quality of what these cuddly marsupials eat. Dubbed the Gourmet Gum Leaves project, it is aimed at improving landscape nutritional quality which will assist in koala conservation and management.

    Researchers onsite at Birkdale Community Precinct

    The throw-line launcher’s weighted bag whistles up into the canopy of the gum tree, loops over a small branch and bends its whitish stem. A rope is twisted to the side, it goes taut … crick-crack … and the branch and its leathery, laurel-green foliage drops in a slow spiral.

    It is certainly not a high-tech piece of research equipment, but the launcher beats physically climbing the tree to hand-pick seven or eight suitable branches from as many trees in one collection day. This way the pair of research scientists conducting this work for the Australian National University (ANU) can collect samples from more than 30 trees in a day.

    “It works really well when you have the skills to be able to use it,” says one of the launcher’s operators, Dr Christina Zdenek, with a grin as she retrieves the downed branch from the ground, deep inside the conservation bushland area of Birkdale Community Precinct. “It is very efficient.” And also a little fun judging by that grin.

    Dr Zdenek, a Queensland ecologist working for The Australian National University, and her fellow researcher and launch buddy James Skewes, a Queensland-bred ecologist who has flown up from his current base at Canberra’s ANU for this job, are part of a unique research project that is looking into the nutritional quality of the leaves of koala food trees.

    Dubbed the Gourmet Gum Leaves project, it is a collaboration between Redland City Council and ANU, and is aimed at improving landscape nutritional quality which will assist in koala conservation and management.

    The collection of leaves from the eucalyptus species in Birkdale Community Precinct is part of the project’s first phase, which involves vegetation surveys, mapping and evaluation of the nutritional quality of leaves from about 160 trees at the site.

    Seeds are also being collected from up to 30 koala food trees on Redlands Coast and nearby locations in south-east Queensland known to have relatively high nutritional quality.

    These seeds, according to Mr Skewes, will be propagated at Redlands IndigiScapes Native Community Nursery at Capalaba and grown into seedlings for future planting at the Birkdale Community Precinct site which currently sustains a small but significant koala population.

    “We’ve got a few areas that have been pinpointed for planting,” says Mr Skewes. “And the seeds are collected from trees that we’ve already got strong data on; so we already know that they’re nutritious for koalas. It will be really good to eventually see them planted on site here.”

    ANU College of Science Research Fellow Kara Youngentob says the aim is to recommend a targeted revegetation strategy.

    “One of the most important factors influencing the distribution and numbers of koalas in any area is the quality of their food trees,” says Dr Youngentob. “This pilot ultimately intends to increase the local koala population by providing a higher quality food source by growing high nutritional quality koala food trees.

    “Better quality habitat for koalas results in healthier more robust populations, that are more likely to produce healthy young who will thrive.”

    It is not only koalas who benefit.

    “Ultimately, projects like these also help to restore and rebalance the landscape for all native species both flora and fauna,” says Dr Youngentob.

    “The ultimate goal of most wildlife conservation programs is to improve the long-term viability of populations in the wild. The capacity for nutrition to contribute to this goal is often overlooked due to difficulties of measuring nutritional landscapes.

    “However, landscapes with higher nutritional quality are likely to support larger populations of herbivores, and animals with access to high quality foods are more likely to be resilient to environmental change.”

    As she picks healthy leaves from the fallen branch, weighs them, dates and files the samples away, Dr Zdenek says the long-term benefits of improving the nutritional landscape through the Gourmet Gum Leaves initiative, are being supported in the shorter term by Council.

    “Preserving old growth trees and conservation areas at Birkdale Community Precinct is fantastic. It’s really best practise management,” she says.

    “Obviously we’re amid a global biodiversity crisis, as people are probably aware, sadly, and that’s no different across Australia where we’re losing many species and even in Queensland.

    “The idea is to think global but act local. And that’s exactly what we’re doing here. Then on top of that, using evidence-based information and science to improve that landscape into the future, to give the koalas and other species a fighting chance.”

    From a safe distance, Redland City Mayor Karen Williams and Council’s Principal Adviser (Community Education) Stacey Thomson are watching the researchers in action, having trekked their way into the bushland, within cooee of Tingalpa Creek. About two-thirds of the 62-hectare Birkdale Community Precinct is protected conservation area.

    Cr Williams says the Gourmet Gum Leaves project and other initiatives on the site have intergenerational aspirations.

    “What makes me most proud is that we’re not only just protecting this unique environmental area, we’re actually enhancing it so that future generations can not only enjoy this space, but learn from our unique environment,” she says.

    Ranger Stacey agrees. “It is protecting and enhancing, that’s what it is all about,” she says. “This research is something that will give hope to our koalas in the future, and they deserve it!”

    Acting globally to reverse the biodiversity crisis may feel like a long shot, but with the launcher tensed for another flight up into the gum tree’s canopy, the goal locally is certainly within sight.

  • Delivering on the detail for Birkdale Community Precinct

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    The next stage of Birkdale Community Precinct is here and with it comes an opportunity to see the amount of detailed research and planning required to bring this highly anticipated and exciting 62-hectare community space to life.

    Redland City Council has released the proposed Local Government Infrastructure Designation (LGID) for Birkdale Community Precinct (BCP) for public viewing and has called for submissions on its content.

    The Redlands Coast community currently have until midnight on Monday 22 May, 2023, to read the LGID and supporting documents, and make a submission.

    Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said an LGID is the statutory planning process required to deliver a community facilities precinct such as BCP and includes the preparation and assessment of an Environmental Assessment Report (EAR).

    “This is to ensure that all planning matters, including the environment, design, traffic and transport, cultural heritage and hazards, and much more, are all addressed in detail,” Cr Williams said.

    “A comprehensive EAR has been prepared that shows how any impacts of the proposed LGID will be mitigated or managed in accordance with statutory policy and best practice.”

    Cr Williams said Council has been working diligently behind the scenes on a comprehensive delivery plan for BCP.

    “The current LGID process follows two rounds of extensive community consultation over the past two years that informed the development of both the Vision for the site and the Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan,” Cr Williams said.

    “Similar to a large, complex development approval, the LGID will ensure that precinct-wide land use and activity rights are in accordance with the concepts and design principles in the Master Plan that – thanks to the previous consultations – reflect our community’s aspirations for the site.

    “As explained in the LGID, Development Applications will still be required for relevant works on site as they occur, and these will proceed through the usual public notification and approval processes.

    “Making a submission on the LGID is yet another way the community can be involved in bringing this exciting precinct to life.

    “Moving forward, the community will be with us on each step of the journey.

    “An existing multi-year activation framework has already seen successful implementation of a pilot community partnerships program. Combined with a social value action plan, the activation framework will form the basis of a future deliverable, Bringing Birkdale Community Precinct to Life – Social & Community Activation plan.

    “Birkdale Community Precinct is the largest community precinct project ever delivered by Council – it has lots of moving parts and it is essential we keep the community informed and able to have their input throughout all stages of its rollout.

    “While we believe the intergenerational precinct is likely to cost approximately $300 million, the reality of operating a precinct of the scale and complexity of Birkdale Community Precinct is that the ultimate financial operating costs, and indeed the capital investment, will depend upon future decisions of Council, as well as the complex interconnectedness of those decisions.

    “This city-shaping project includes the significant commitment by the Federal and State governments to fund the construction of the Redland Whitewater Centre that will be a host venue for Canoe Slalom events during the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.”

    Council will also actively seek industry and government partners and grants to assist in its delivery, Cr Williams said.

    To view the LGID documents and to make a submission (closing 22 May) visit Council’s Your Say site at:

    Once consultation closes on the proposed LGID, Council will review all submissions it has received and prepare a consultation report summarising matters raised and how they have been addressed. It will also consider the outcomes of a state interest review by the Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning.

  • Unique heritage agreement to cover Birkdale Community Precinct

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    Redland City Council’s appeal of sections of a State Heritage listing for Willards Farm at Birkdale Community Precinct has resulted in an agreement on formalising a unique heritage code for the precinct.

    Planning and Environment Court Judge McDonnell ruled, with the consent of the parties, on Wednesday 7 June 2023 that the appeal be upheld in part, resulting in a slightly smaller state heritage boundary for Willards Farm.

    The property at 302 Old Cleveland Road East, Birkdale, is one of Redlands Coast’s oldest surviving farms and residences and was listed on the Queensland Heritage Register (QHR) by the Queensland Heritage Council (QHC) in March 2022. Council appealed sections of the listing in April 2022.

    Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said the revised boundary resulting from the court decision was agreed to by the QHC as part of the appeal process, which continues to recognise the important state heritage features of the land.

    “Council and the Department of Environment and Science will execute a Heritage Agreement on how state heritage matters on the Birkdale Community Precinct site will be managed,” Cr Williams said.

    “This will cover both Willards Farm and the nearby former World War II Radio Receiving Station that was entered into the QHR in June 2020.”

    The heritage agreement will incorporate management codes and requirements that will allow development consistent with the Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan, the Heritage Management Plans commissioned for Willards Farm and the World War II Radio Receiving Station, and a range of acceptable outcomes jointly determined by Council and the department.

    “Practically this allows development on site within the state heritage boundaries in accordance with the Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan and heritage agreement,” Cr Williams said

    “The collaborative approach that has resulted in the outcome of the appeal reflects Council’s commitment to manage historic heritage values to the highest standard on the Birkdale Community Precinct, ensuring they were protected, recognised and celebrated.”

    State-approved restoration works will begin this year on the original Willards farmhouse and fencing, milking shed, creamery, inground well and elevated water tank, as well as era-specific landscape areas.

    Cr Williams said Council had worked closely with the department to ensure the c1870s historic farming property could be revitalised for future generations to enjoy while protecting its heritage values.

    This decision has no impact on other sections within the Birkdale Community Precinct.

  • Councils in the same boat when it comes to whitewater centres of excellence

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    Negotiating the swift waters to deliver a whitewater centre of excellence takes teamwork.

    That is why Redland City Council has formally invited partners on its journey to bring the Olympic-standard Redland Whitewater Centre at Birkdale to fruition.

    The best way to deliver a first-class facility is to learn from others.

    Through a series of Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), Council has partnered with the City of Penrith, the International Canoe Federation and Paddle Australia, to share information and learnings to ensure the new Birkdale facility is not only designed for tomorrow’s Olympic champions but delivers a legacy for south-east Queensland, Australia and beyond.

    A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was executed by Penrith City Council on 23 January 2023 and signed by Redland City Council on 30 January 2023.

    The intent of the MOU is for the exchange of information, collaboration and partnership between both Councils in regards the existing Penrith Whitewater Stadium that was used during the Sydney 2000 Olympics and Paralympics Games and the planned Redland Whitewater Centre being delivered for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

    This legacy-first approach between Redland and Penrith city councils has them working together to promote and grow the sport of Canoe Slalom by establishing twin national centres of excellence that work in with each other, instead of competing for users.

    The goal is for Australia to have these two world-class whitewater facilities come to fruition within the next five years, providing unrivalled opportunities for accessibility to the sport for all ages and abilities including staging of elite competition.

    Both centres, working together, will draw future National, Oceania and World Cup events in the lead up to, and well beyond, the Brisbane 2032 Games.

    Already, the NSW State Government committed to a $3.1 million investment in February this year to upgrade the Penrith Whitewater Stadium in preparation for the 2025 Canoe Slalom World Championships. Redland Whitewater Centre will work with a revitalised Penrith Whitewater Stadium to attract even more sporting competition to Australia.

    The Redlands Coast facility, which will be a key component of the 62-hectare Birkdale Community Precinct, is expected to be operational and open to the public in 2027.

    Redland Whitewater Centre will not be a stand-alone venue at Birkdale, but part of the broader Redland Resilience Training Centre, with a primary focus on swift-water and urban flooding rescue training while remaining accessible for paddle sport elite training and international level competition as well as to the community for recreational purposes.

    The Redland Resilience Training Centre presents significant legacy opportunities as a world-class natural hazard resilience training facility for state, national and Asia Pacific emergency services personnel.

    While the focus of both Penrith and now Redland venues is on the elite paddle aspects of the venue and the Olympics, the Penrith venue has proven through more than 20 years of operations, that the vast majority of its revenue (and usage demand) comes from tourism and recreational rafting opportunities.

    The Redlands Coast facility seeks to bring a rafting and paddle experience to Queensland, leverage its coastal environment and support tourism.

    Council is working alongside the Queensland Government and Federal Government on the delivery of this facility under the Olympic Venue Partner Agreement. The State and Federal Governments have guaranteed funding for its construction.

    Redland Whitewater Centre will be one of the many community elements at the highly anticipated Birkdale Community Precinct that is being created as a world-class community asset that this generation and those to come will enjoy and cherish.

    The precinct will boast Redlands Coast’s first public swimming lagoon, an adventure play area, outdoor concert and performance areas, open green parklands, a 2km running track loop, bush tucker gardens, cafes and restaurants, some 2.8km of walking tracks through nearly 40 hectares of protected bushland, tree-top walk and zipline, and a canoe launch area for accessing Tingalpa Creek.

  • Birkdale Community Precinct represents a natural showcase for Redlands Coast

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  • Submissions period closes on delivery plan

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    Consultation has now closed on the Local Government Infrastructure Designation (LGID) for Birkdale Community Precinct.

    The Redlands Coast community and stakeholders were invited during April and May to have their say on the next stage of bringing Birkdale Community Precinct to life. Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said Council remained committed to continuing thorough and effective engagement on the creation of Redlands Coast’s most encompassing and diverse community precinct.

    “Birkdale Community Precinct is the largest community precinct project ever delivered by Council – it has lots of moving parts and it is essential we keep the community informed and able to have their input throughout all stages of its rollout,” Cr Williams said.

    “Council resolved in August last year to prepare a Local Government Infrastructure Designation for Birkdale Community Precinct, with the final Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan subsequent LGID consultation strategy endorsed by Council on 15 March 2023.

    “An LGID is the statutory planning process required to deliver Birkdale Community Precinct – it is an important step in continuing to respect, protect and enhance the site’s cultural, heritage and environmental assets.

    “Consultation on the Birkdale Community Precinct LGID followed two rounds of earlier community consultation that informed the development of both the Vision and final Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan.

    “The Birkdale Community Precinct LGID will ensure that precinct-wide land use and activity rights have been established in accordance with the conceptual spatial layout and design principles to reflect the values and aspirations of our community and stakeholders that are incorporated in the Master Plan.”

    Public submissions on the LGID documents for Birkdale Community Precinct were open from 21 April to 22 May 2023.

  • Master Plan released for precinct

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    Redland City Council has unveiled plans for what will become one of Queensland’s largest and most exciting parks, including Redlands Coast’s first ever swimming lagoon, and an adventure playground sure to be a hit with local families.

    Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said the Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan that was adopted by Council at its general meeting on 15 March 2023 focussed on giving the 62 hectares of public space back to the community.

    “Local families have been crying out for a project like this for years, and Council has listened by creating a Master Plan with the community for the community,” Cr Williams said.

    “Brisbane has South Bank and New Farm Park, Townsville has the Strand and Cairns has the Esplanade, and now Redlands Coast will have Birkdale Community Precinct.

    “This land was always owned by the community, but it was locked away as a Federal Government communications facility for decades. It is time it was opened up for the community to enjoy.

    “After buying the property in 2019 to save it from being used for small-lot housing, Council has spent the last two years engaging with the community to create this exciting Master Plan.”

    Cr Williams said Birkdale Community Precinct struck the perfect balance between the past and future.

    “This Master Plan maps out a 20-year journey – so it has specifically been designed with our youth in mind – providing somewhere for kids to play, somewhere local bands will take to the stage and somewhere our youth can meet their friends,” she said.

    “But just as importantly it also includes some exciting history that will be retained and celebrated, including the restoration of the 1870s Willards Farm, which is expected to begin later this year. Again this property was saved from demolition when Council bought it in 2016.

    “We will also be breathing new life into the heritage-listed World War II Radio Receiving Station that sits at the heart of the precinct; delivering an historical precinct that commemorates Redlands’ role in the conflict in the Pacific.”

    Cr Williams said the Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan would ensure Redlands Coast was the focus of international attention as host of Olympic whitewater slalom events during the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

    “Knowing the eyes of the world will be on our community thanks to this precinct should provide a real sense of pride for every Redlander. This is your city and thanks to Birkdale Community Precinct we will have the opportunity to show the world why it is the best place to live,” she said.

    “The whitewater venue is about so much more than the Olympics. It is being specifically designed as a swift-water and resilience training facility that will train emergency service agencies from across the world, meaning the skills perfected at Birkdale could quite literally save lives.”

    Cr Williams said the Master Plan was rounded out with about 40 hectares of protected environmental land.

    “As former farming land there are clearings in the centre of the property where we will build the playgrounds, stages and water play, ensuring the surrounding vegetation is protected,” she said.

    “These areas have tracks and trails where residents will be able to take a stroll to appreciate our naturally wonderful lifestyle.

    “We will also build a 2km running track around the perimeter, which will be a huge hit for local running groups.”

    Division 10 Councillor Paul Bishop thanked the community for their engagement on this important project.

    “In the years ahead I look forward to working together with the community to bring the many historic stories of the site to life,” Cr Bishop said.

    “There are important educational opportunities on this site that help us understand our past in ways that can be appreciated by future generations.”

  • Council welcomes whitewater upgrade

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    Redland City Council has welcomed the NSW State Government’s recent announcement of a $3.1 million investment to upgrade the Penrith Whitewater Stadium in preparation for the 2025 Canoe Slalom World Championships.

    Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said the two Councils were working together to ensure both the existing Penrith facility and the new Birkdale venue being delivered for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games were first class and continued to deliver legacies for their communities.

    “We know the best way to deliver a first-class facility is to learn from others and our partnership with Penrith focuses on sharing information to ensure our Birkdale facility is not only used by tomorrow’s Olympic champions, but also delivers a lasting legacy for local families and businesses,” Cr Williams said.

    “The announcement by the NSW State Government will allow us to work with Penrith as part of their upgrades and use that information to ensure the Birkdale venue is the best it can be.

    “We have been working with Penrith City Council and Paddle Australia since last year as part of our plans for the Birkdale facility and, on behalf of the community, I congratulate them, the NSW Government and International Canoe Federation on the announcement.

    “I will be writing to Penrith ... to arrange a discussion in the near future so we can start exchanging information as well as exploring training opportunities that will deliver significant tourism and economic benefits to both cities.

    “It is exciting that we are working together to see two world-class Australian whitewater facilities come to fruition within the next decade, providing unrivalled opportunities for accessibility to this sport for all ages and abilities, including staging of elite competition, in the lead up to the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.”

    Birkdale Community Precinct will be home to the Redland Resilience Training Centre which incorporates the Redland Whitewater Centre.

    The Redland Whitewater Centre will be capable of hosting international, national and state events before, during and long after the Brisbane 2032 Games, when it will be a host venue for Canoe Slalom competition.

  • Restoration plans get tick of approval

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    The historic Willards Farm will start to be brought back to life from early in the new year after Redland City Council’s plans for the heritage-listed property at Birkdale Community Precinct (BCP) recently received State approval.

    Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said Council had worked closely with the Department of Environment and Science to ensure the c1870s historic farming property could be revitalised for future generations to enjoy while protecting its exciting heritage values.

    “If this property could talk it would tell stories of farming history dating back centuries that have helped forge our city’s identity today,” Cr Williams said.

    “This history was set to be lost forever in 2016 when the property was facing demolition, prompting Council to step in and buy it for $1.45 million to protect its heritage for future generations.

    “This is one of the oldest surviving examples of a farming homestead on Redlands Coast and I am pleased that the State has now approved our designs, paving the way for us to create a place for local families to visit and learn about our city’s farming history.

    “State-approved restoration works will breathe new life into existing historic buildings including the original farmhouse and fencing, milking shed, creamery, inground well and elevated water tank, and era-specific landscape areas.”

    Cr Williams said Willards Farm would be the first stage of the 62-hectare BCP, an exciting inter-generational community destination.

    “Willards Farm covers about 8200 square metres and forms a key hub within the broader precinct that the community was consulted about in May this year," she said.

    “Council’s 2022-2023 Budget includes $12.7 million for the BCP, including restoration work at Willards Farm."

    Cr Williams acknowledged the work of Council and State officers in finalising plans for the historic property.

    “It is an exciting milestone in the revitalisation of this property,” she said.

    “The fact that our plans were approved within a matter of weeks is a testament to the quality of Council’s designs and the strong partnership Council has with the Department of Environment and Science.

    “I would like to acknowledge the work of officers as well as the support of Minister Megan Scanlon in supporting Council’s proposal.”

    Division 10 Councillor Paul Bishop said he was delighted that Willards Farm and associated buildings would be restored in accordance with best practice state heritage principles.

    “This unique pastoral homestead anchors precinct, which also contains the state heritage-listed former US Army Radio Receiving Station,” Cr Bishop said.

    “No other property in our part of the world contains remnant habitat, iconic species, evidence of First Nations occupation, pioneer structures hewn from timbers felled on site and the American Radio headquarters that helped transform global democracy during World War II.

    “Everyone will want to learn about this place in years to come. Thanks to Council and all who have helped preserve these intrinsic and irreplaceable values.”

Page last updated: 19 Feb 2025, 08:44 AM