Local Law Amendment - Changes to Penalty Units for Minor Traffic Offences

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Consultation has concluded

Redland City Council’s (Council) local laws undergo a continual review process to provide the best outcomes for the community and Council.

At the 21 June 2023 General Meeting, Council resolved to commence the local law-making process for Subordinate Local Law No 5 (Parking) 2015 and make proposed changes to the penalty units for minor traffic offences.

Fines for some offences in Queensland are based on a system of penalty units. A penalty unit is a set amount of money used to work out each fine. The fine is calculated by multiplying the value of one penalty unit by the number of penalty units set for that offence. The penalty unit value in Queensland is $154.80 (current from 1 July 2023).

Safety-related offences, particularly those related to parking and stopping violations, are a significant concern for both pedestrians and motorists. These violations can pose serious risks to the safety of pedestrians, particularly children, who are often less visible and less predictable than adult pedestrians. For example, stopping on yellow lines or on pedestrian crossings can obstruct the view of drivers and pedestrians, increasing the risk of accidents. It is essential that drivers respect pedestrian crossings and avoid stopping in or near these areas to ensure the safety of all road users.

One effective way to reduce safety-related parking and stopping offences is to increase penalties for these violations. A higher penalty will act as a deterrent and discourage people from committing these offences.

By increasing penalties for safety-related parking and stopping offences, Council can promote safer and more accessible roads for all, particularly vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and children.

Council has agreed to a 21-day engagement period to inform the community of the change to the local law.

The engagement period commenced on 26 June 2023 and concluded on 17 July 2023.

Redland City Council’s (Council) local laws undergo a continual review process to provide the best outcomes for the community and Council.

At the 21 June 2023 General Meeting, Council resolved to commence the local law-making process for Subordinate Local Law No 5 (Parking) 2015 and make proposed changes to the penalty units for minor traffic offences.

Fines for some offences in Queensland are based on a system of penalty units. A penalty unit is a set amount of money used to work out each fine. The fine is calculated by multiplying the value of one penalty unit by the number of penalty units set for that offence. The penalty unit value in Queensland is $154.80 (current from 1 July 2023).

Safety-related offences, particularly those related to parking and stopping violations, are a significant concern for both pedestrians and motorists. These violations can pose serious risks to the safety of pedestrians, particularly children, who are often less visible and less predictable than adult pedestrians. For example, stopping on yellow lines or on pedestrian crossings can obstruct the view of drivers and pedestrians, increasing the risk of accidents. It is essential that drivers respect pedestrian crossings and avoid stopping in or near these areas to ensure the safety of all road users.

One effective way to reduce safety-related parking and stopping offences is to increase penalties for these violations. A higher penalty will act as a deterrent and discourage people from committing these offences.

By increasing penalties for safety-related parking and stopping offences, Council can promote safer and more accessible roads for all, particularly vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and children.

Council has agreed to a 21-day engagement period to inform the community of the change to the local law.

The engagement period commenced on 26 June 2023 and concluded on 17 July 2023.

Consultation has concluded
  • Council resolves to not proceed with the proposed amendment

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    Between Monday 26 June and Monday 17 July 2023, Council undertook public consultation on a proposed amendment to Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2015, which would increase the penalty units for minor traffic offences.

    Council received 6 submissions during the engagement period.

    At the General Meeting on Wednesday 16 August 2023, Council resolved to not proceed with this proposed amendment to Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2015.

  • Council consults on increased penalties for minor stopping offences

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    Redland City Council is proposing to increase the penalties for minor stopping offences as a means of improving public safety.

    The minor safety-related offences impacted by the increase include stopping in no stopping areas or bus zones, on or near pedestrian crossings and stopping to obstruct traffic.

    The higher penalties, which will require an amendment to Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2015, aim to act as a deterrent and discourage people from committing these safety-related offences.

    Council resolved at the General Meeting on 21 June 2023 to proceed with community consultation on the proposed amendments to Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2015.

    Information on the proposed changes to the penalty units, including how to make a submission, will be available from Monday 26 June 2023 until 17 July 2023 on the project’s Your Say webpage and in Council’s Customer Service Centres at Capalaba, Cleveland and Victoria Point.

  • Proposed amendments 2023

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    Listed below are tables that identify the offences which relate to deterring safety-related parking and stopping violations.

    Table 1 provides benchmarking information against some other local governments within South East Queensland, while Table 2 provides details concerning the proposed penalty unit increase for the listed offences.

    Table 1. Benchmarking

    Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Road Rules) Regulation 2009 provision

    Minor Traffic Offence

    Redlands Current Penalty

    Logan City Council

    Brisbane City Council

    Moreton Bay Council

    Sunshine Coast Council


    Stopping at the side of a road marked with a continuous yellow edge line

    1 Penalty Unit

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping in an intersection

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    2 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping on a children's crossing or on the road within 20m before the crossing or 10 after the crossing

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    2 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping on a pedestrian crossing that is not at an intersection or on a road within 20m before a crossing and 10m after the crossing otherwise than as permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    2 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping on a marked foot crossing that is not at an intersection, or on a road within 10m before the traffic lights pole nearest to the driver at the crossing and 3m after the crossing unless permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    2 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping on a level crossing, or on a road within 20m, before the nearest rail or track to the driver approaching the crossing and 20m after the nearest rail or track to the driver leaving the crossing unless permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    1.5 Penalty Units


    Stopping on a road contrary to a clearway sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.67 Penalty Units

    3 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping an unauthorised vehicle in a loading zone

    1 Penalty Unit

    1 Penalty Unit

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.7 Penalty Unit

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Unauthorised driver stopping in a works zone

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.67 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping an unauthorised vehicle in a taxi zone

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.67 Penalty Units

    2 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping an unauthorised vehicle in a bus zone

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    2 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping a bus in a bus zone contrary to a bus zone sign

    1 Penalty Unit


    Stopping an unauthorised vehicle in a permit zone

    1.4 Penalty Units

    0.67 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping in a mail zone

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.67 Penalty Units

    1 penalty Unit

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping on a two way road between the centre of the road and another vehicle parked at the side of the road

    1 Penalty Unit

    1.34 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units

    0.55 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping on a road so as to obstruct traffic

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.67 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping within 20m before a bus stop unless permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    2 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units


    Stopping within 10m after a bus stop unless permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit


    Stopping on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path or dividing strip or a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area unless permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.67 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty units


    Stopping on or across a driveway unless dropping off or picking up, passengers

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.67 Penalty Units

    2 Penalty Units

    0.70 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty units


    Stopping near a post box

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.67 Penalty Units

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.75 Penalty units


    Stopping a heavy or long vehicle on a length of road that is not in a built-up area otherwise than on the shoulder of the road

    1.4 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty units


    Stopping a heavy or long vehicle on a length of road that is not in a built-up area for longer than 1 hour unless permitted to stop on the length of road for longer than 1 hour by information on or with a traffic controlled device

    1.4 Penalty Units

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.75 Penalty units


    Stopping contrary to a motorbike parking sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.75 Penalty Units

    0.75 Penalty units


    Stopping contrary to a people with disabilities parking sign

    4 Penalty Units

    4 Penalty Units

    4 penalty Units

    4 Penalty Units

    2 Penalty Units

    Part 12

    Other parking offences provided for in Part 12 (Restrictions on stopping and parking)

    1 Penalty Unit

    0.70 Penalty Units

    Table 2. Proposed Changes to Penalty Units

    Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Road Rules) Regulation 2009 provision

    Minor Traffic Offence

    Current Penalty

    Proposed Penalty



    Stopping at the side of a road marked with a continuous yellow edge line

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct safety impact to other motorists


    Stopping in an intersection

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct safety impact to other motorists


    Stopping on a children's crossing or on the road within 20m before the crossing or 10 after the crossing

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct impact to other motorists and pedestrian safety


    Stopping on a pedestrian crossing that is not at an intersection or on a road within 20m before a crossing and 10m after the crossing otherwise than as permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct impact to other motorists and pedestrian safety


    Stopping on a marked foot crossing that is not at an intersection, or on a road within 10m before the traffic lights pole nearest to the driver at the crossing and 3m after the crossing unless permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct impact to other motorists and pedestrian safety


    Stopping on a level crossing, or on a road within 20m, before the nearest rail or track to the driver approaching the crossing and 20m after the nearest rail or track to the driver leaving the crossing unless permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct impact to other motorists and pedestrian safety


    Unauthorised driver stopping in a works zone

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct safety impact to other motorists and workers


    Stopping an unauthorised vehicle in a bus zone

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct impact to other motorists and pedestrian safety


    Stopping a bus in a bus zone contrary to a bus zone sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    Suggest this is deleted as covered in existing 183(1)


    Stopping on a two way road between the centre of the road and another vehicle parked at the side of the road

    1 Penalty Unit

    1.4 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct impact to other motorists and pedestrian safety


    Stopping on a road so as to obstruct traffic

    1 Penalty Unit

    2 Penalty Units

    Offence has a direct safety impact to other motorists


    Stopping within 20m before a bus stop unless permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    1.4 Penalty Units

    Amend to read 'Stopping within 20m before a bus stop or 10m after a bus stop unless permitted by a sign'
    Offence has a direct impact to motorist and pedestrian safety


    Stopping within 10m after a bus stop unless permitted by a sign

    1 Penalty Unit

    1.4 Penalty Units

    Delete and combine with previous 195(1)