Concept plan released for Queens Esplanade foreshore project
Council has released the concept plan for the Queens Esplanade Foreshore Protection project.
What have we done so far?
In 2016 and 2020, Council determined the level of the environmental and social value of the foreshore and how it played a role in the local community by consulting with the public and stakeholders.
Following these consultations, an independent scientific coastal processes report, an environmental values survey and report, and a concept plan were developed as part of future foreshore protection works planned at Queens Esplanade.
What's next?
The project includes:
- Upgrading the seawall with geotextile sandbags
- Upgrading underground stormwater pipes and building a shallow open stormwater channel
- Providing natural foreshore access
- Renourishing sand adjacent to Beth Boyd Park
- Landscaping
To view the concept plan, click here.
Further progress on the project remains subject to Council budget prioritisation, Federal and State Government approvals, and State agency input.