Council announces preferred partner to deliver more car parks at Weinam Creek
Redland City Council has announced Consolidated Properties Group as the preferred development partner to deliver the multi-storey car park and retail precinct within the Weinam Creek Priority Development Area (PDA).
The Weinam Creek PDA master plan was approved in 2022 and is set to create a dynamic new destination, as well as an effective transport hub and gateway to the Southern Moreton Bay Islands.
The master plan has been designed to create a community precinct, meeting the requirements of the development scheme that was informed by community feedback.
Council identified early on that, to achieve the precinct vision for the community, public-private partnerships would be required to help fund the works and reduce the cost to ratepayers.
Redland Investment Corporation, on behalf of Redland City Council, managed an expression of interest campaign calling for a potential development partner to deliver the commercial precinct of the Weinam Creek PDA.
The commercial precinct involves the construction of a multi-level car park and dedicated retail space for a grocery outlet and specialty stores.
Redland Investment Corporation CEO Peter Kelley said the expression of interest campaign attracted a very high calibre of proponents.
“In an exciting milestone for the project, we are very excited to be working with Consolidated Properties Group (CPG), which has a reputation for collaborating with key stakeholders to adapt building designs to suit the specific needs of the project,” Mr Kelley said.
“CPG has a successful track record in delivering and investing in a wide range of institutional-grade retail, commercial and residential properties along the eastern seaboard, with specialist skills in providing exemplary design and innovation to create successful place-making projects for the community.
“Established more than 40 years ago, CPG has delivered more than 200 development projects valued in excess of $3 billion, with projects ranging from metro supermarkets and retail centres to commercial offices and large-scale residential buildings.”
CPG CEO and Chairman Don O’Rorke said they identified quite early the opportunity within the Weinam Creek PDA.
“We have maintained a strong and genuine interest in partnering with Redland City Council and Redland Investment Corporation to assist in delivering this exciting and vital project to the Southern Moreton Bay Islands and Redlands Coast community,” Mr O’Rorke said.
To be completed in stages over the next two to three years, the Marina Redland Bay redevelopment within the Weinam Creek PDA will deliver more car parks, travel and transport upgrades, an activated foreshore with more open space, rejuvenated parks, improved road infrastructure to reduce traffic congestion, retail, restaurants and cafes.
The next stage of the project will be the detailed design phase, where CPG will provide a proposed design for the multi-storey car park and retail precinct, including the number of secure car parks designated for Southern Moreton Bay Island commuters.
More information about the new Marina Redland Bay development within the Weinam Creek PDA can be found on these project pages.