Expressions of interest open for Weinam Creek car park and commercial precinct
Redland Investment Corporation (RIC) on behalf of Redland City Council have announced expressions of interest are now open for a joint venture partner to deliver the commercial precinct of the Weinam Creek Priority Development Area (PDA).
Eagerly anticipated by the local community, the commercial precinct involves construction of a multi-level car park and a dedicated retail space for a national grocery store and specialty retailers.
The Marina Redland Bay redevelopment within the Weinam Creek PDA will deliver more car parks, travel and transport upgrades, an activated foreshore with more open space, rejuvenated parkland, improved road infrastructure to reduce traffic congestion, retail, restaurants, and cafes.
The redevelopment site is the main access point to the Southern Moreton Bay Islands and will be completed in stages over the next three years.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said the approved Master Plan for the Weinam Creek PDA was the result of extensive consultation that responded to community demands for much-needed parking amenity and infrastructure improvements.
“Council identified early on that to achieve the precinct vision for the community, public-private partnerships would be required to help fund the works and reduce the cost to ratepayers,” Cr Williams said.
“The expressions of interest campaign represents an exciting milestone in the journey towards making this major redevelopment a reality for our Redlands Coast community.
“Redland City Council has always had a clear vision for the Weinam Creek PDA precinct that responds to the community’s needs.
“The approved Weinam Creek Master Plan is set to create an exciting and dynamic destination in its own right – as well as an effective transport hub and gateway to the islands.”
Redland Investment Corporation CEO Peter Kelley said: “JLL Retail Investments and Retail Space Property are managing the expressions of interest process on our behalf and we are looking forward to hearing from quality, reputable developers who share our passion for bringing this exciting project to life.
“We are seeking a partner who has exceptional skills and experience to deliver something special for our community.”
JLL’s Jacob Swan said high-quality, consumer convenience, retail development opportunities were always in high demand.
“This exciting opportunity will create significant appeal from investors and developers across Australia,” Mr Swan said.
Retail Space’s Andrew Deanne said: “The retail precinct for the Marina Redland Bay development has been met with strong leasing demand, from a range of experienced local and national retailers alike.”
The expression of interest campaign will close on Thursday 21 September 2023 at 4pm (AEST). For further information or to make an enquiry, please contact JLL’s Jacob Swan at JLL (0402 704 896) or Andrew Deane at Retail Space (0413 487 630).
The Weinam Creek Priority Development Area is a major redevelopment project that will transform the Redland Bay waterfront. It is expected to create more than 700 jobs and generate almost $30 million for the local economy. The rejuvenation of the precinct to create the new Marina Redland Bay will deliver much-needed travel and transport upgrades, community and retail services, visitor attractions and an activated foreshore with more open space.
Redland Investment Corporation (RIC) is working with Redland City Council to develop the PDA in stages. Extensive resident and community feedback has informed the development with the initial public consultation process identifying the required and desired public and community infrastructure.