September 2023 project update
Updated: 20 November 2023
Construction delays
Due to a minor holdup in receiving the works approvals, the works start date for the new recreational boat ramp and temporary car park, including the removal of trees from Banana Street, has been delayed. These works are now planned to commence from late November 2023 and conclude in early 2024, subject to weather and other project constraints.
EOI sought to deliver the car park and retail precinct
On 9 August 2023, Redland Investment Corporation (RIC), on behalf of Council, announced that expressions of interest (EOI) were open for a joint development partner to deliver the multi-storey car park and retail precinct of the Weinam Creek Priority Development Area. The announcement was made via a media release published on Council’s news website and issued to local news media.
The EOI campaign will close on 21 September 2023 at 4pm (AEST).
Following a review the EOI proposals, a report will be presented to Council for the selection of a development partner. Council will announce the preferred development partner in early 2024.
Council will continue to keep the community informed as more information becomes available.