Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct

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Artist impression of the precinct site is located at 277-293 Heinemann Road, Mount Cotton

Council is building the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct at 277-293 Heinemann Road at Mount Cotton.

Development of the Precinct is a strong step towards Council meeting the current and future sport and recreation needs of Redlands Coast while also protecting a significant area of natural habitat.

The Precinct will provide formal sporting facilities for touch football and rugby league, more than 800 car parks, and generous future play spaces. Other sports across the city may also benefit, with room to grow made possible by primary tenants moving to the Precinct.

Council is building the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct at 277-293 Heinemann Road at Mount Cotton.

Development of the Precinct is a strong step towards Council meeting the current and future sport and recreation needs of Redlands Coast while also protecting a significant area of natural habitat.

The Precinct will provide formal sporting facilities for touch football and rugby league, more than 800 car parks, and generous future play spaces. Other sports across the city may also benefit, with room to grow made possible by primary tenants moving to the Precinct.

  • Master Plan adopted by Council

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    Council has approved the Master Plan for the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct.

    The Master Plan will be delivered over several years and be subject to budget prioritisation and approval processes.

    Included in the plan is provision for multiple rectangular sporting fields, including 14 suitable for Touch Football, as well as a cycling precinct and recreation and conservation areas.

    Council will work closely and in partnership with sport and recreation clubs and other key stakeholders to develop the Precinct.

    Council would like to thank the sport and recreation clubs and environmental groups of Redlands Coast, and the general community, for their feedback and general enthusiasm for this exciting project.

  • Consultation on the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct draft master plan has concluded

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    Thank you to everyone who participated. This project is an important part of Council’s efforts to provide for the current as well as future sport and recreation needs of Redlands Coast.

    The project page had over six thousand visitors with hundreds of people participating in face-to-face engagement events across the city. In addition, hundreds of submissions were received and a diversity of views and ideas captured.

    Community feedback on the draft master plan is now being reviewed and will inform recommendations that will be put to Council after the election.

    Register now to receive updates on the Redlands Coast Sport and Recreation Precinct project.

  • Draft sport and recreation precinct master plan ready for feedback

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    The Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct draft master plan is open for consultation.

    Council invites you to take a look at the draft master plan, read the background to the design and tell us what you think.

    You are also encouraged to attend one of the community information sessions taking place across Redlands Coast.

    Have your say before consultation closes on 19 February 2020.

  • January Update

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    Council approves community consultation on draft master plan

    Following consultation with the Redlands Coast sporting and broader community about the city’s current and future sporting needs, Redland City Councillors have approved taking the draft master plan to the community for feedback.

    A range of engagement activities are being planned across the city and will be commencing soon, with the draft master plan to be published here on Your Say.

    Council expresses its thanks to everyone who attended the community drop-in information session at Mount Cotton Hall on 15 September 2019.

    During the drop-in session and other community consultations over the past six months, we have received numerous messages of support for the project and some great ideas about city-wide recreation and sporting interests.

    A key outcome from these consultations is a recognition that Redlands Coast will need even more land to meet its current and future recreation and sporting needs. As a result, Council will be investigating additional land opportunities and how to improve the quality of existing facilities.

    We look forward to hearing your views about how the draft master plan meets the city’s needs for now and well into the future.

    Thank you again for your support of this exciting project.

  • September update

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    Community drop-in information session

    Sunday, 15 September 2019

    Drop in anytime from 10am - midday

    Mount Cotton Hall, corner Seaview and Mount Cotton roads

    Redland City Council and the Queensland Government invite you to attend a drop-in information session about planning for the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct proposed for 277-293 Heinemann Road, Mount Cotton.

    On release of the draft master plan in October 2019, the community will have opportunity to provide feedback here at yoursay.

  • Council commences master planning for Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct

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    The future of sport and recreation on Redlands Coast has received a boost, with the commencement of master planning for Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct, at 277 – 293 Heinemann Road, Mount Cotton.

    Mayor Karen Williams said the site, acquired by Council in 2017, would provide the city with new sport, recreational and environmental opportunities.

    “The recreational potential and environmental benefits of this site will provide our residents with more sporting fields and community amenities to enjoy, while also protecting a significant area of natural habitat close to existing Council-owned conservation land,” she said.

    “We know Redlanders love their sport and the master planning process will ensure this unique parcel of land will complement our existing sports and recreation space and provide more opportunity for locals to enjoy the great outdoors.”

    Cr Williams thanked the State Government for its Get Planning Spaces grant of up to $100,000 to assist with the master planning, which will include consultation with property neighbours, the wider community, sports groups and other stakeholders.

    “Council will be consulting with the community and sports groups about this project; and feedback from the consultation will help inform the master plan, and ensure that our community’s future sport and recreation needs are planned for,” she said.

    “Once complete, implementing the master plan will include ongoing collaboration and partnership between Council, the Queensland Government and community organisations.”

    Minister for Sport and Member for Springwood Mick de Brenni said this process was the first step in delivering sport and active recreation facilities for the people of Mount Cotton.

    “Families in the Mount Cotton area shouldn’t have to leave their own community to participate in organised sporting fixtures or weeknight training. Everyone wants the chance to get active, so having recreation spaces and accessible facilities close to where you live and learn is essential to delivering that,” he said.

    “We look forward to working through this process in partnership with our community to make sure this project balances the need for more sporting facilities and the need for preservation of the beautiful Mount Cotton natural bushland. This consultation process will be an excellent opportunity for the community to be in involved with the future of Mount Cotton.

    “I congratulate the Redland City Council for taking this important step in the long term planning for the region.”

    Division 6 Councillor Julie Talty said Council had appointed Ross Planning Pty Ltd to deliver the master plan, with the company specialising in recreation, open space and sport planning, and having completed similar projects in the commercial and Local and State government sectors.

    “This site is ideal for sports and recreational activities,” she said.

    “There is scope to connect this area with existing multiuse tracks and trails in nearby conservation areas, such as Bayview Conservation Park.

    “It will also link surrounding residential communities and expand on the list of natural attractions at the southern end of our city.”

    Cr Williams said the master planning study was expected to be complete by the end of 2019.

  • June update

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    Where are we now?

    Precinct master planning activities have started and are scheduled for completion by the end of 2019. These activities include:

    • understanding trends and emerging issues
    • supply and demand investigations
    • detailed site planning studies
    • the development of precinct concepts and a master plan
    • targeted stakeholder engagement, including consultation with neighbours

    Implementation of the master plan will require ongoing collaboration between the Queensland Government and Redland City Council, and will involve community engagement. Timeframes for implementation will depend on prioritisation of budgets.

    What is next?

    Council will conduct a number of technical studies, including cultural heritage, ecological, geotechnical and services capacity, and residents may see contractors on site.

Page last updated: 05 Aug 2024, 02:04 PM