Queens Esplanade Foreshore Protection Project

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The Queens Esplanade foreshore is part of the Thorneside Foreshore Precinct.

A Ramsar site located in south-east Queensland's Moreton Bay Marine Park, the foreshore is a valuable environmental and recreational community asset to the local area that provides feeding and resting ground for migratory shorebirds and a nursery area for various fish species.

Prevailing winds, high waves, and storm tide inundation impact the adjoining land and vegetation at high tide, causing shoreline erosion. Studies show stormwater run-off is also contributing to erosion in the area.

Council is working towards improving the foreshore by developing a long-term solution to help protect wildlife habitat, environmental and social values and nearby infrastructure.

The Queens Esplanade foreshore is part of the Thorneside Foreshore Precinct.

A Ramsar site located in south-east Queensland's Moreton Bay Marine Park, the foreshore is a valuable environmental and recreational community asset to the local area that provides feeding and resting ground for migratory shorebirds and a nursery area for various fish species.

Prevailing winds, high waves, and storm tide inundation impact the adjoining land and vegetation at high tide, causing shoreline erosion. Studies show stormwater run-off is also contributing to erosion in the area.

Council is working towards improving the foreshore by developing a long-term solution to help protect wildlife habitat, environmental and social values and nearby infrastructure.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The shoreline at Queens Esplanade, Thorneside is at risk of erosion, and a solution is needed to protect nearby infrastructure, environmental and social values, and usability and beauty of the area.

    Please note that our online form has a time-out period of 30 minutes - any information not submitted by then will be lost.

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Page last updated: 22 Sep 2023, 02:55 PM