Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct

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Artist impression of the precinct site is located at 277-293 Heinemann Road, Mount Cotton

Council is building the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct at 277-293 Heinemann Road at Mount Cotton.

Development of the Precinct is a strong step towards Council meeting the current and future sport and recreation needs of Redlands Coast while also protecting a significant area of natural habitat.

The Precinct will provide formal sporting facilities for touch football and rugby league, more than 800 car parks, and generous future play spaces. Other sports across the city may also benefit, with room to grow made possible by primary tenants moving to the Precinct.

Council is building the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct at 277-293 Heinemann Road at Mount Cotton.

Development of the Precinct is a strong step towards Council meeting the current and future sport and recreation needs of Redlands Coast while also protecting a significant area of natural habitat.

The Precinct will provide formal sporting facilities for touch football and rugby league, more than 800 car parks, and generous future play spaces. Other sports across the city may also benefit, with room to grow made possible by primary tenants moving to the Precinct.

  • April 2024 update

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    Redland City Council continues to progress the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct’s referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

    Council recently submitted draft Preliminary Documentation based on the Revised Master Plan to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. This draft documentation is Council’s response to the Australian Government’s request for further information and its lodgement is an important milestone in the referral process.

    There are no set timeframes for the next part of the process, which involves the draft documentation being reviewed by the Department with the potential for further revisions as required. Once the documentation is finalised jointly between Council and the Australian Government, it will be made publicly available.

    Council looks forward to timely finalisation of the documentation and ultimately a positive outcome for this important city project.

  • Latest News: Revised Master Plan heralds change and a way forward for Mount Cotton sporting precinct

    Share Latest News: Revised Master Plan heralds change and a way forward for Mount Cotton sporting precinct on Facebook Share Latest News: Revised Master Plan heralds change and a way forward for Mount Cotton sporting precinct on Twitter Share Latest News: Revised Master Plan heralds change and a way forward for Mount Cotton sporting precinct on Linkedin Email Latest News: Revised Master Plan heralds change and a way forward for Mount Cotton sporting precinct link

    Redland City Council has endorsed a revised Master Plan for the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct proposed for 277-293 Heinemann Road at Mount Cotton.

    The endorsement at Council’s November General Meeting heralds a way forward for the project after the Australian Government determined in February 2023 that it was a ‘Controlled Action’ under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

    Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said the Revised Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan 2023 (Revised Master Plan) responded to the Australian Government’s determination, talking to the detailed investigations behind a number of tough decisions and outlining next steps.

    “The Revised Master Plan for this exciting project is expected to see Redlands Coast sporting organisations and the wider community having timely access to quality sporting facilities, while even further protecting important ecological values,” Cr Williams said.

    “Since Council adopted the original Master Plan in 2020, expert advice has indicated that the delivery of the original Master Plan was likely to require significant land offsets – a lengthy and costly process – therefore Council commenced the Master Plan review process.

    “The Revised Master Plan document outlines what Council wants to do now at the precinct, and what we would like to do in the future, and deciding those things has involved some very tough decisions.

    “Now, we want to further enhance and protect the site’s natural features including native flora and fauna.

    “With a project footprint at least 10 hectares smaller than the original Master Plan, the Revised Master Plan sees approximately 130 hectares, or about 80 percent of the entire site, protected as natural area.

    “That 80 percent is about 10 percent more than what was being protected under the original Master Plan and is key to our strategy for progressing the project through the EPBC approval process and into construction stage in a timely manner.

    “We also want to create great public spaces.

    “The Revised Master Plan features 13 touch football fields, three rugby league fields, two clubhouses, about 800 car parks and two generous spaces for future recreation facilities such as play spaces, pump tracks, and picnicking.

    “This outcome aligns with the intent of the original Master Plan.

    “We want to commence constructing the precinct, and in particular the sporting facilities, as soon as possible following completion of the EPBC assessment process, and concurrently progress alternate opportunities for BMX and cycling.

    “While BMX and cycling facilities cannot be accommodated at the precinct, Council has reconfirmed its commitment to investigating alternative solutions for these sports.”

    Division 6 Councillor Julie Talty agreed that Council hoped the Revised Master Plan would bring about a faster resolution of the project’s referral to the Australian Government under the EPBC Act.

    “The Revised Master Plan should see amazing facilities for about 4000 touch football and rugby league club members built more quickly and more cost-effectively,” Cr Talty said.

    “Unfortunately, the estimated scale of offset requirements associated with the Australian Government’s EPBC Act assessment process has made the original Master Plan – which had a larger project footprint – unviable for Council.

    “While the cycling and BMX facilities have been removed, Council has committed to investigating solutions for these sports as part of future city-wide sports planning considerations.

    “When the Rugby League and Touch Football clubs relocate to the precinct, master planning will be able to commence at the vacated sites and start unlocking the potential of Pinklands Sporting Complex and Redland Showgrounds.

    “Down the track, the large flexible spaces allocated to recreation within the Revised Master Plan will see facilities that further support community health and wellbeing, including for the nearly 15,000 new local residents expected in the south of the city over the next five years.”

    The Revised Master Plan will be submitted to the Australian Government as part of seeking final approvals under the EPBC Act.

    Once approval has been received, construction of Stage 1 works will commence subject to budget.

    Council and Alder Constructions continue to have a contract for the construction of Stage 1 of the precinct.

    For more information about the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct, visit

  • Council to consider revised Master Plan for Mount Cotton sporting precinct

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    supporting image

    Redland City Council will consider a revised Master Plan for the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct, proposed for 277-293 Heinemann Road at Mount Cotton, at its General Meeting on 15 November 2023.

    The Revised Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan 2023 (Revised Master Plan) was developed in response to the Australian Government’s determination in February 2023 that the project was a ‘Controlled Action’ under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

    Since the adoption of the original Master Plan endorsed by Council at its General Meeting on 13 May 2020, expert advice has indicated that the delivery of the project was likely to require significant land offsets – a lengthy and costly process – therefore Council commenced the Master Plan review process.

    The Revised Master Plan talks to the detailed investigations behind a number of tough decisions that are expected to give the community timelier access to much-needed sporting facilities, while balancing Council’s financial and environmental responsibilities.

    With a project footprint of approximately 26 hectares – at least 10 hectares smaller than the original Master Plan endorsed by Council in 2020 – the Revised Master Plan sees approximately 130 hectares of land protected as natural area. This is approximately 80 percent of the entire site, which is 10 percent more nature area to be conserved than the original Master Plan.

    In keeping with the intent of the original Master Plan, the Revised Master Plan features 13 touch football fields, three rugby league fields, two clubhouses, approximately 800 car parks, a trailhead, and two generous spaces for future delivery of regional level recreation elements such as pump tracks, play, and picnicking.

    Prioritising the sports of touch football and rugby league will see approximately 4000 regular participants using the new facilities at the precinct, and when they relocate, master planning for the vacated sites at Pinklands Sporting Complex and Redland Showgrounds can commence.

    The Revised Master Plan also includes a commitment from Council to investigate alternate facilities and solutions for BMX and cycling.

    Should it be endorsed by Council on 15 November 2023, the Revised Master Plan will be submitted to the Australian Government as part of seeking final approvals under the EPBC Act. Once approval has been received, construction of Stage 1 works will commence subject to budget. Council and Alder Constructions continue to have a contract for the construction of Stage 1 of the precinct.

    Alternatively, Council may decide to revert to the original Master Plan or reconsider the Revised Master Plan.

  • Aspirations remain for catalyst project as review continues

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    In response to our community’s need for more sports facilities at a club level, and with our focus on creating healthier communities, the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct is an important Redland City Council catalyst project.

    Council’s aspiration for the new sport and recreation precinct is to deliver an intergenerational project that will help meet the sporting and recreational needs of Redlands Coast’s growing community, while also protecting a significant area of natural habitat across the 101-hectare precinct.

    While this exciting project will deliver on our much-needed sporting facilities, it is important this doesn’t come at the cost of our environmental obligations.

    Council takes its environmental credentials seriously and decided to self-refer the precinct’s final designs to the Federal Government to assess for compliance with the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

    In March this year, the Federal Department of Environment and Water determined that the project would be treated as a ‘controlled action’ under the EPBC Act and requested additional information.

    While this will delay our project schedule and may result in changes to the scope of the project, Council believes the referral was the right decision as we continue to support koala conservation and respect environmental protections.

    As a result of the additional time required for the Federal Government to undertake its review, $4.5 million in grant funding allocated to the project through the State Government’s 2021-24 SEQ Community Stimulus Program, will need to be repurposed to another Council project that meets the strict timing and guidelines under the grant agreement.

    Council is working collaboratively with the State Government to agree how best to repurpose this funding so our community continues to receive this much needed State Government support.

    The Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct is to be located at 277-293 Heinemann Road, Mount Cotton.

  • March update

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    Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct is an exciting, intergenerational project that will help meet the sport and recreation needs of our growing community while also protecting a significant area of natural habitat.

    Council has an important role in providing sports and recreation facilities for enhanced community health, and this project is expected to bring a range of health, wellbeing and economic benefits for Redlands Coast locals and the wider south-east Queensland region.

    Following Council’s referral of the project under the Australian Government’s EPBC Act, the Department has determined that the project will be treated as a ‘controlled action’ and will be requesting that additional information be provided before the final referral decision is made.

    Council has high environmental stewardship credentials, and the self-referral of the final design for the precinct is a clear sign of our commitment to providing our existing and future communities with a green, liveable and active city that supports their physical and mental wellbeing.

    Council planned and prepared the project and subsequent referral to be potentially treated as a controlled action by ensuring the precinct was optimally designed to reflect best practice of avoidance, mitigation, rehabilitation, dispersal and protective environmental actions.

    We hope the project will not be unnecessarily delayed, thereby enabling Redlands Coast sporting organisations to benefit from the new facilities, and other city-wide sporting and recreation groups to benefit from the transformation and unlocking of vacated sites.

  • City’s largest sports precinct project moves to next phase

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    Planning for the largest sport and recreation precinct on Redlands Coast has progressed to the next phase with Council referring the project under the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

    As of 31 January 2023, community members can make informed comments on the proposal to the Australian Government through its EPBC Act Public Portal for 10 business days until 14 February 2023.

    The Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct at Mount Cotton will deliver intergenerational facilities to help meet the sport and recreation needs of our growing community while also protecting a significant area of natural habitat.

    The project is expected to bring a range of health and well-being and economic benefits for Redlands Coast locals and the wider south-east Queensland region.

    Referring the project helps ensure Council balances the protection of the site’s environmental and cultural values with the city’s social and economic needs.

    The sports precinct will provide sporting facilities for more than 4000 sporting club members with room for the clubs to grow and a regional-level inclusive and accessible recreation space for the whole community, while protecting 112 hectares of conservation land and rehabilitating the central natural watercourse area. It will also have the capability to host large sporting events.

    Council purchased the property in 2017, saving it from potential housing or other extensive development in future, and ensuring 70 per cent is protected as conservation land to further strengthen the city’s bushland corridors.

  • Council budget funds major long-term projects

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    23 Jun 2022

    Two exciting intergenerational projects are at the heart of Redland City Council’s $396 million 2022-23 Budget.

    In handing down the 2022-2023 Budget, Mayor Karen Williams said Councillors were committed to delivering the projects local families had been asking for.

    “This year’s Budget is all about delivering for today while also planning for tomorrow,” she said.

    “Local families will be the real winners with two key intergenerational projects set to deliver public water parks, sporting fields and plenty of space to enjoy the naturally wonderful Redlands Coast.

    “This includes the Birkdale precinct, the largest, most exciting and diverse community project ever delivered,” she said.

    “Council has just finished consultation on the Draft Master Plan for the Birkdale Community Precinct and now this budget allocates $12.7 million to fund the next stage, which includes the restoration of the Willards Farm building.

    “When complete, this exciting project will include a public swimming lagoon, entertainment and innovation precinct.

    “It will be our version of South Bank and Victoria Park all rolled into one and will be enjoyed by generations of Redlanders.

    “This year’s Budget also includes an initial $15 million funding towards Stage 1 of the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct at Mount Cotton, which will give our cycling and BMX stars of tomorrow somewhere to participate in the sports they love.

    “The complex multi-stage and multi-year project, being developed in a globally challenging environment, will also give families and visitors a great new location in the south of the city to enjoy the naturally wonderful Redlands Coast with an exciting play experience, picnic areas and trails and bike activity area.

    “The play space includes a water play area for cooling down on a hot summer’s day, designed to reflect the environmental story of this wonderful site.”

    Cr Williams said the budget, delivered during a time of rising costs, reduced revenue and high inflation, included funding for other major, long-term projects.

    “This includes more than $20 million for the duplication of Wellington Street/Panorama Drive to help ease congestion, $5 million for the Weinam Creek project and $4.41 million towards the Southern Moreton Bay Ferry Terminals Upgrade for Lamb and Karragarra Islands.”

    Cr Williams said Council was able to commit to these exciting projects because of its strong cash reserves.

    “It is important to point out that these projects will be funded through cash reserves as a priority over general rates, reducing the burden on ratepayers.

    “So while other Council are being forced to cut projects due to external cost pressures the money we have saved over previous years means we can deliver the projects residents have been asking us for.

    “Council is facing external cost pressures including inflation and supply chain challenges that make it more expensive to do business.

    “The State Government has again increased our bulk water bill by nearly $1 million to $46 million – which represents 11.6 per cent of Council’s total budget.

    “Despite these challenges, Council has chosen to absorb many of these external costs rather than passing them on to ratepayers.

    “The result is about 98 cents a week (or 4.72 per cent) increase to the minimum general rate for an average owner occupier in Redland City.

    “Despite land valuations increasing on average 25 per cent across the city, Council has adjusted the rate in the dollar so as to not pass on these higher land valuations to ratepayers and to keep rate rises well below the Brisbane consumer price index.

    “To keep rates rises as low as possible, for the 2022-23 financial year Council is budgeting an operating deficit of $4.1 million.

    “Had we not included a deficit this year, rates rises would have been higher.

    “Through years of prudent and sound financial management, especially during the financial impacts of COVID-19 public health measures, we are in an enviable position where we can use a deficit to offset pain on ratepayers because we have kept money in the bank.

    2022-23 Budget at a glance:

    • $396 million investment in Redlands Coast
    • The minimum general rate will increase by 4.72 per cent (or 98 cents per week) for an average owner occupier in Redland City
    • Projected operating deficit of $4.1 million
    • Capital expenditure program of $116 million
    • Total pensioner rebates of almost $3.2 million, with rates rebates of $335 a year for a full pensioner or $167.50 for a part-pensioner.

    Capital expenditure program at a glance:

    • $37.64 million for parks, open space and conservation
    • $26.77 million for transport, roads and traffic projects
    • $18.08 million for water, waste and wastewater projects
    • $13.35 million for marine and foreshore projects
    • $10.04 million for infrastructure projects such as transport, buildings and stormwater
    • $8.42 million for other capital works projects
    • $1.46 million for community and cultural development.
  • Council to invite expressions of interest for construction of new sport and recreation precinct

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    A new 100-hectare sport and recreational facility on Redlands Coast is another step closer, with Redland City Council set to invite Expressions of Interest (EOI) for construction of the first stage of the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct at Mount Cotton.

    Stage 1 will include construction of the Bike Activity and Recreation sub-precincts and associated works, part funded by $4.5 million from the Queensland Government’s South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program in association with Redland City Council.

    Mayor Karen Williams said the EOI process, which would open in early 2022, would allow for early contractor involvement and collaboration with the design consultancy team led by Bligh Tanner, who was recently awarded the contract to deliver the Preliminary and Detailed Design.

    “The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games has created genuine excitement across south-east Queensland and this project will ensure our sporting stars of tomorrow have somewhere to play the sports they love,” Cr Williams said.

    “This milestone brings this fabulous community sport and recreation precinct another step closer and I’m looking forward to seeing designs for the new home grounds for Redlands BMX Club, Redlands Cycling and Multisport Club, Redlands Touch Association and Redlands Rugby League Club.

    “We will also see plans developed for a regional level play area with water play and pump track; boardwalks around rehabilitated wetland areas; walking, horse riding and cycling trails and a kick-about area that could be used for small community events or fitness classes.”

    Member for Springwood Mick de Brenni said the Stage 1 works would create or support an estimated 53 local jobs and provide an intergenerational community infrastructure project.

    “I’ve long said that local families shouldn’t have to leave our neighbourhood to take part in sport, and with this investment they won’t have to,” Mr de Brenni said.

    “This project builds on the first round of the South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program which funded the development of the Eastern Escarpment mountain bike trails and facilities.

    “It will provide sporting and active recreation assets, as well as conservation benefits for our local community.”

    Cr Williams said the regional sporting facility was an example of true collaboration, with the State Government helping to fund the Master Plan and Stage 1 of the project.

    “With Redlands Coast named as a venue city for the 2032 Olympic Games, Council is investing heavily in sporting infrastructure across the city,” she said.

    “We have already invested more than $6 million in designing this exciting new facility, with the Queensland Government assisting with a Get Planning Spaces grant of $100,000.”

    For more information about the EOI process and Council Tenders and Contracting, visit

  • New state-of-the-art home for local sports clubs

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    Three new clubhouses, 16 sporting fields, cycling and BMX tracks and first-class recreation facilities are part of the new Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct that will be home to Redlands Touch Association, Redlands Rugby League, Redlands BMX and Redland Cycling and Multisport Club.

    Council today unanimously confirmed the primary tenants of the massive 101 hectare site at Heinemann Road, Mount Cotton, of which 47 hectares will be dedicated to sport and recreation facilities and activities.

    The four clubs will co-tenant the precinct, which will provide Redlands Coast with more quality sporting fields, bike tracks and clubhouses, and community recreation and conservation space.

    The precinct will also complement planned improvements to other Redlands Coast sporting facilities to cater for future growth.

    Mayor Karen Williams thanked contributing sports organisations for sharing their design requirements and feedback on concept designs. She committed Council to continue to work with the organisations in the lead-up and during the transition to new venues.

    “Not only will this incredible new facility allow the clubs moving there to grow, but it will also allow other clubs such as netball - one of the largest membership sports competitions in Redlands Coast - the opportunity to expand at Pinklands; potentially give more space for the rapidly growing sports such as basketball and gymnastics at Capalaba; and free up the Cleveland Showgrounds for events.

    “This is not about catering for one or two sports, but for many. The benefits of this planning will be shared by many sports, their participants and supporters for many years to come.

    “The facilities are a win for sport and particularly young people - across the city and the wider community - who will enjoy recreation facilities including boardwalks; wetland and forest areas; trails for walking, cycling and horse riding and, a regional level playground.

    “With 13 touch football fields and a touch football clubhouse; three rugby league fields and a purpose-built rugby league clubhouse; a State-level BMX track, 1.2km long criterium track and shared bike activity clubhouse and, more than 800 car parks precinct-wide, the future is looking bright for these Redlands Coast sports.”

    Cr Williams said the development of the precinct represented the first step in unlocking the sport and recreation potential of several other sites across the city.

    “Locating these clubs at the precinct will enable works at Norm Price Park (Redland Showgrounds), Pinklands Sporting Complex and Degen Road, Capalaba, that will see benefits for other sports, clubs and the wider community.

    “At Cleveland, the land vacated by Redlands Touch Association will allow the Redland Showgrounds to embrace its true identity as the city’s premier events space, with more land and time available to host festivals, concerts and expositions, bringing cultural and financial benefits to the city.

    “When Redlands Rugby League Club moves from Pinklands Sporting Complex at Thornlands, there can be an expansion of Redland Netball and equestrian facilities and more car spaces, while also considering better functionality at the southern end of the site for the smaller community clubs located there, which include Redlands Modern Country Music Club, Yurara Art Society and Redland Bridge Club.

    “At Degen Road, Capalaba, relocation of Redlands BMX could open up a site for expanded indoor facilities for basketball and gymnastics, or other emerging sports such as pickleball.”

    Division 6 Councillor and Deputy Mayor Julie Talty said the plans for the new Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct revealed wonderful facilities for these sporting organisations.

    “Redlands Touch Association will have a new clubhouse with grandstand seating that will be perfect for their club. They are excited about the prospect of 13 dedicated fields, up from the current eight, with an option of an extra six fields - providing an opportunity to attract larger events and carnivals.

    “Redlands Rugby League Club will call a new two-storey clubhouse home, with the lower level boasting six modern changing rooms suitable for male and female teams and an upper level with grandstand seating and community spaces enjoying enviable views over the precinct.

    “Rugby League will also have three dedicated, professionally designed and lit fields, with the capability for up to five fields to host larger competition events, up from the current two fields available at Pinklands.

    “For Redlands BMX, the new State-level track and multi-building clubhouse will present opportunities for the club and its growing membership to be involved in State events while providing training space for national and international championships.

    “Previously without a ‘home’, Redlands Cycling and Multisport Club is delighted with both the 1.2km long criterium track and the clubhouse they’ll share with BMX. The club expects the multiple-looped track to attract new members as well as recreational riders of all ages looking to enjoy the off-road facility.”

    Cr Talty said the precinct, which was scheduled to commence construction in 2022-2023 subject to funding and Council budget prioritisation, would also provide locals and the wider Redlands Coast community with a wonderful new recreation space.

    “It will be an exciting precinct that shows how this naturally wonderful site will provide marvellous new recreation spaces for the wider community,” Cr Talty said.

    “We’re going to see a fabulous all-ages and all-abilities recreation space with a regional level playground including water play and a pump track; a kick-about area that can also be used for class fitness activities, markets and small community events; rehabilitated wetland areas with boardwalks and nature play areas and, trails through conservation areas suitable for a range of activities, such as horse riding, mountain biking, walking and bird watching.

    “The precinct is a strong step towards meeting the city’s current and future sport and recreation needs.”

  • Concept design contractor selected

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    Following a rigorous evaluation process, Aurecon has been selected as the successful concept design contractor for the Precinct.

    Aurecon will lead a group of companies to produce a concept design that builds upon the Master Plan principles and delivers positive outcomes for the Redlands Coast community. This scope of work includes technical studies, concept design development and associated documentation.

    The concept design is scheduled to be completed by mid-2021, leading into preliminary and detailed design development.

    Council will work in close partnership with sport and recreation clubs and other key stakeholders to progress the development of the Precinct.

    Register now to receive project updates.

Page last updated: 05 Aug 2024, 02:04 PM